Dream AlcaláNewsAlcalá Joins the Platform for Tourist Promotion

Alcalá Joins the Platform for Tourist Promotion

Alcalá de Henares has signed the incorporation of the city to the Madrid Tourist Association, a great deal among the major industry players to re-launch the Community of Madrid as a tourist destination.

The agreement was signed by the mayor, Javier Bello, and consists of a great partnership between major industry players to re-launch the Community of Madrid as a tourist destination. The event held at the Casa de America in Madrid was chaired by the President of the Community of Madrid, Ignacio Gonzalez, and was attended by Secretary of State for Tourism, Isabel Borrego.

Together with Alcalá de Henares, th agreement has been signed by 30 new partners as Turespaña, the City of Madrid and major Spanish multinationals like hotel chains and airlines, as well as cultural institutions and football clubs like Atletico Madrid and Real Madrid.

Ignacio González recalled the Community of Madrid has increased its tourism budget for 2014 by 20%. Tourism is central to social and economic development of the region, as it is a sector which makes up 6.3% of regional GDP and employs 300,000 people, while directly impacts on other economic sectors, such as gastronomic and hotel business, trade and culture. He also recalled that the regio of Madrid  has a vast cultural wealth, with Alcalá de Henares, Aranjuez and San Lorenzo de El Escorial as World Heritage cities and some of the most important museums in the world.

The President has highlighted the impact of new information technologies and communication in tourism to say that this is necessary to be present in spaces that before were not paying attention or did not have much relevance, as blogs or social networks. He also stated that in the same way we have to be visible to new markets (Russia, Brazil, India or China), whose growth forecasts up to 2017 are estimated at more than 75 million new passengers outside its borders.

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