Alcalá de Henares Holy Week 2014 takes place between 13th and 20th of April. Discover the events schedule day by day and do not miss any detail.
Alcalá de Henares Holy Week 2014 gathers more than 100,000 people each year due to the beauty of its processions. Not for nothing, it was declared Fiesta de Interés Turístico [Festivity considered to be of tourist interest] in 2004. Starting on Saturday the 8th with an opening speech, the festivity connect one act after the other organized by different brotherhoods, liturgical acts held in the Magisterial Cathedral and, of course, different processions from April 13th to 20th.
Events organized by the different brotherhoods (see details)
From March 14th to April 18th
Liturgical Acts in the Magisterial Cathedral (see details)
From 13th to 20th of April 2014
Processions (see details)
- April 13rd de abril de 2014
- 14th de abril de 2014
- 15th de abril de 2014
- 16th de abril de 2014
- 17th de abril de 2014
- 18th de abril de 2014
- 20th de abril de 2014
Additional Information:
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Events organized by the different brotherhoods
March 14th
Act: Stations of the Cross with the Image of Jesus of Nazareth carrying his Cross.
Hour: 20:00
Place: From the Monastery of Carmelitas Descalzas de la Purísima Concepción, the procession covers the following route: C/ Imagen; C/ Santiago; C/ Nueva; C/ Manuel Azaña; Plaza del Padre Lecanda; C/ San Felipe de Neri; C/ Mayor; C/ Imagen.
Organized by: Brotherhood “Venerable Hermandad y Cofradía de Nazarenos del Stmo. Cristo Atado a la Columna y María Stma. de las Lágrimas y del Consuelo”
March 22nd
Act: Fifth Charitable Contest of Brotherhood Music LA COLUMNA
Ticket price: 3 euros
Hour: 18:00
Place: Auditorium “Paco de Lucía”
Organized by: Brotherhood “Venerable Hermandad y Cofradía de Nazarenos del Stmo. Cristo Atado a la Columna y María Stma. de las Lágrimas y del Consuelo”
March 28th
Act: Thirteenth Concert of Processional Stains organized by the Music Ensemble “Jesús de Medinaceli” of Alcalá de Henares. Presentation of the Holy Week 2014 Catalog. Releasing of the march “Trinidad Reina y Madre” [Trinity Queen and Mother]—organized by the brotherhood “Mª. Stma. de la Trinidad” and made by D. José Manuel Mena Hervás—that will be directed by the musical ensemble.
Hour: 20:00
Organized by: Brotherhood “Real e Ilustre Esclavitud de N. P. Jesús Nazareno de Medinaceli y María Santísima de la Trinidad de Alcalá de Henares”. Musical Ensamble “Jesús de Medinaceli”.
April 11th
Act: Stations of the Cross with the Image of Jesus Captive.
Hour: 19:00
Place: Calle de Santa Úrsula.
Organized by: Brotherhood “Stmo. Cristo de la Agonía, Mª Stma. de los Dolores y San Juan”.
April 11th
Act: Eighteenth Concert of Processional Stains organized by “Asociación Musical Bailenense”
Hour: 20:30 h.
Place: Parish of Santa María la Mayor
Organized by: Brotherhood “Antigua, Ilustre y Fervorosa Hermandad and Cofradía de María Stma. de la Soledad Coronada y Sagrado Descendimiento de Ntro. Señor Jesucristo.”
April 12th
Act: Reading of Sacred Poems organized by Ms. Carmen Cerezo Monsó.
Hour: 12:00 h
Place: Monastery of the RR.MM. Concepcionistas Franciscanas de Santa Úrsula C/ Santa Úrsula nº 3.
Organized by: Brotherhood “Stmo. Cristo de la Agonía, Mª Stma. de los Dolores y San Juan”.
April 17th
Act: Fourth Musical Offering by the Music Ensamble “Jesús de Medinaceli” of Alcalá de Henares honouring the brotherhood “Stmo. Cristo Universitario de los Doctrinos y a su Madre la Virgen de la Esperanza”.
Hour: 12:00 h
Place: Music classroom. C/ De los Colegios nº 10
Organized by: Brotherhood “Real e Ilustre Esclavitud de N. P. Jesús de Medinaceli y María Stma de la Trinidad and Cofradía del Stmo. Cristo Universitario de los Doctrinos y Ntra. Sra. de la Esperanza”.
April 17th
Act: Meeting between the Saint Christ of University Teachers and its mother, the Virgin of Hope.
Hour: About 21:15 h
Place: Lonja de la Universidad Cisneriana. Plaza de San Diego
Organized by: Brotherhood “Stmo. Cristo Universitario de los Doctrinos y Ntra. Sra. de la Esperanza”.
April 17th and 18th
Act: Visit and worship of the Most Holy in the Monument.
Hour: April 17th, Holy Thursday, from 18:00 to 19:30 h.
April 18th, Holy Friday, from 10:00 h. to 17:00 h.
Place: Chapel of “Stmo. Cristo Universitario de los Doctrinos”. C/ De los Colegios nº 9
Organized by: Brotherhood of “Stmo. Cristo Universitario de los Doctrinos y Ntra. Sra. de la Esperanza”.
April 18th
Act: Exposition of the main Images of the brotherhood.
Hour: From 10:00 h. to 15:00 h.
Place: Music classroom. C/ De los Colegios nº 10
Organized by: Brotherhood of “Stmo. Cristo Universitario de los Doctrinos y Ntra. Sra. de la Esperanza”.
Liturgical Acts in the Magisterial Cathedral
April 13th
11:00 h. Blessing of palm leaves and olive branches in the Archbishop’s Palace
12:30 h. Palm Sunday Mass
April 15th
19:30 h. Holy Mass of the Thorns
April 16th
11:00 h Holy Chrism Mass
April 17th
18:00 h. Lord’s Supper Celebration
April 18th
17:00 h. Liturgical Celebration of the Lord’s Death
April 19th
22:00 h. Easter Vigil
April 20th
12:30 h. Easter Celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus
[space height=»20″]Processions
Palm Sunday, April 13th
Triumphal Entry of Jesus in Jerusalem
Route from the Archbishop’s Palace: The Archbishop’s Palace is a wonderful building which currently only preserves one of the four gardens it had. The place burnt in 1939—once the civil war concluded—losing in consequence a great artistic and documental legacy. It was Mr. Rodrigo Jiménez de Rada who, in 1902, started restoration works in the Palace, changing its original shape into a Mudéjar fortress. That was the starting point of a close relationship between our city and Toledo’s bishops—all of them included into the bishopric of Alcalá. At the end of fourteenth century, Mr. Pedro Tenorio reinforced it military. In the fifteenth century, Mr. Juan Martínez Contreras constructed the western wing of the building facing Plaza de las Bernardas, with wide windows with Gothic fretworks. There are also works by him at the Entransce Hall and at the Hall of Councils, connected with each other by a tumid arch. The palace was residence of kings and pride for bishops. Here, the daughter of the Catholic Monarchs, Catherine, future queen of England; and the son of Joanna of Castile, Ferdinand, successor of his brother Charles I of Spain and V of Germany for the imperial German throne. In such monument, x the first interview between the Catholic Monarch and Christopher Columbus took place. With a Renaissance-style façade, the building is placed next to an enclosed square with a nineteenth-century grille. On the façade, a terracotta coat of arms can be seen.
Float: The Talla del Cristo [Christ Wood Carving] was made in 2006 by the maker of religious images Javier Tudanca.
Starting: 10:15 h.
Route: Magisterial Cathedral, Plaza de Santa Lucía, Plaza de los Santos Niños, C/ de San Juan, Plaza de Palacio, Palacio Arzobispal.11:00 h. In the Archbishop’s Palace, blessing of palm leaves, 11:30 h. Starting from the Archbishop’s Palace, Plaza de Palacio, C/ de Santiago, C/ de Cervantes, C/ Mayor, Plaza de los Santos Niños, Plaza de Santa Lucía, 12:30 h. Magisterial Cathedral.
Music Accompaniment: Music ensemble “Jesús de Medinaceli” of Alcalá de Henares.
[space height=»20″]Holy Monday April 14th
Sacramental Brotherhood of “Stmo. Cristo de los Desamparados y María Stma. de las Angustias”
Canonical Venue: Parish of Santiago Apóstol.
Historical Reference: The brotherhood was founded in 1997 while celebrating Mass in the Shrine of Val. This brotherhood was formed with the aim of creating a shelter house where cleanliness, food and rest were given to homeless people. Currently, the shelter house “Casa de Acogida Virgen de las Angustias”, is located in C/ Río Guadalquivir nº 10 of Alcalá de Henares. The work is performed by volunteers in a selfless act of charity.
Float: Talla de la Virgen [Virgin wood carving] in which Holy Mary is holding her dead son after being removed from the cross. Both images are made by the maker of religious images Mr. José Antonio Jiménez de Langa, from Cuenca. The image is carried by anderos [strong and trained men], who receive orders during the procession by hearing a bell, a singular situation resulting of their commitment as silence float. The procession includes the float of Pedro, a float of mystery made by the same sculptor.
Clothing: Black robe of Franciscan style, big deep-red eye shield, black esparto grass fabric espadrilles and cincture with three Franciscan knots.
Starting: At 20,45 h.
Route: Starting from the Magisterial Cathedral; C/ de la Tercia; C/ Damas; C/ Infanta Catalina; C/ Empecinado; C/ De la Merced; C/ Santa Clara; C/ Cárcel Vieja; C/Santa María la Rica; C/ Empecinado; Plaza de los Santos Niños; Magisterial Cathedral.
Music Accompaniment: Penance procession in complete silence, the only sound keeping the company of the penitents and the Image is the sound of a bell.
[space height=»20″]Holy Tuesday April 15th
17:00 h. “Procession for Our Elders” in the Residential Home “Francisco de Vitoria”.
Organized by: Brotherhood of “Real e Ilustre Esclavitud de N. P. Jesús Nazareno de Medinaceli y Cofradía del Stmo. Cristo de la Agonía, Mª Santísima de los Dolores y San Juan”. Collaborating: Alcalá de Henares’ City Hall, Residential Home “Francisco de Vitoria”, brotherhood linking all Penitential Brotherhoods of Alcalá de Henares. Images of the procession: “Jesús de Medinaceli”, “Stmo. Cristo de la Agonía” and “María Santísima de los Dolores”.
Music Accompaniment: Music ensemble “Jesús de Medinaceli” of Alcalá de Henares. Once the procession is over, it will take place a besapiés [kissing the feet of the holy Images of the procession].
23:00 h. Stations of the Cross
Organized by: Chapter of the Cathedral
Route: Magisterial Cathedral, Plaza de los Santos Niños C/ de Escritorios C/ de Santa Úrsula Plaza de Rodríguez Marín Plaza Cervantes (acera Círculo) C/ de los Libreros C/ del Tinte C/ de Santiago Plaza Palacio C/ de San Juan Plaza de los Santos Niños Magisterial Cathedral.
[space height=»20″]Holy Wednesday, April 16th
Brotherhood of “Stmo. Cristo de la Esperanza y el Trabajo y Ntra. Sra. de la Misericordia”
Canonical Venue: Monastery of “Ntra. Sra. de la Esperanza de las RR. MM. Franciscanas de Santa Clara”.
Historical Reference: Brotherhood founded by Mr. JOSE MACIAS SOTO, COUNCILLOR OF SERVICES AND FESTIVITIES in 1995. During the first years, the brotherhood went on procession on Holy Mondays. Since the year 2000, the traditional day was changed to Holy Wednesday. There are two different milestones along the history of such brotherhood. One of them took place during the Holy Week in the year 2001, in which the image of a crucified Christ left, for the first time, carried by 32 anderos in a new throne. The second was on Holy Wednesday in 2009, when the image of “Ntra Sra. de la Misericordia”, was carried in a portable platform by 24 anderos, walking behind his Son by Alcalá’s streets. The image was blessed on September 14th 2008 and, from that moment; both have been revered in the chapel of Sta. Clara Convent.
Floats: The image of the Crucified Christi is a polychrome painted-wood float made by an anonymous author at the end of seventeenth century. It was wonderfully restored in 2006 by the team of Ángeles Velasco. The float of the Virgin, made by the Sevillian sculptor, Rafael Martín Hernández, is made with polychrome Cedar wood and represents, without drama, the most intense pain and the most intense motherly tenderness, her mercy.
Clothing: White habit and eye shield, white and purple cincture, purple clock, black footwear and the medal of the brotherhood (anderos wear purple eye shield).
Starting: 19:30 h.
Route: Monastery of Santa Clara; C/ de la Trinidad; C/ del Gallo; C/ de Santa Ursula; Plaza Rodríguez Marin; Plaza de Cervantes (lado Circulo); C/ Mayor; C/ Carmen Calzado; C/Escritorios; C/Travesía de Avellaneda; Plaza San Juan de Dios; C/ Trinidad (Monastery of Santa Clara)
Music Accompaniment: Float with an Image of theVirgin: Musical ensemble from ESCAÑUELA (JAEN). Christ float: Musical group CC. TT. JESUS RESCATADO from VILLANUEVA DE LOS INFANTES (CIUDAD REAL)
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Holy Wednesday April 16th
Brotherhood of “Venerable Hermandad y Cofradía de Nazarenos del Stmo. Cristo Atado a la Columna y María Stma. de las Lágrimas y del Consuelo”
Canonical Venue: Monastery of “RR.MM. Carmelitas Descalzas de la Purísima Concepción” (Image). It was founded in 1562 by the Mother María de Jesús—depending on the patronage of Mrs. Leonor de Mascareñas—in the old palace of Marqués de Lanzarote. The most outstanding part of the building is the façade of the church, attributed to Alonso de Covarrubias, which is showed decorated with grotesque dragons and fantastic figures. On the front part of the façade, there is a small alcove with an image of the Immaculate Conception and below, it is the coat of arms of the order of Carmen Descalzo.
Historical reference: The brotherhood was founded in 1988 by members of the groups of festivities of the city. In 2006, the brotherhood included in its name its dedication to “María Stma. de las Lágrimas y del Consuelo”. Then, in 2007, it was its first outgoing with the Stations of the Cross in the Holy See of the Magisterial Cathedral. Since 2008, there is a procession with the Stations of the Cross by the streets nearby its canonical venue with the image of Jesús Nazareno. It happens to meet with the second Friday of Lent, this year on March 14th. In 2010, it is presenting its own Music Ensemble.
Floats: The image of the Lord was made in the workshop “El Arte Cristiano de Olot” (Gerona) on a potter’s clay by Mr. Sabel Costa y Obrador in the middle of twentieth century. Afterwards, it was restored by Mr. Bartolomé Albarado, from Úbeda (Jaén). The Gothic-style golden float is carried on brothers’ shoulders and enlighten by four silversmithing headlamps. The Virgin is a work by the sculptor Mr. Bartolomé Alvarado, from Úbeda (Jaén) in 2006 and goes on procession in Paso de Palio [Canopy Float] with silversmithing respites. Both shoulders of brothers are used to carry the float from its inside.
Clothing: Red robe with white eye shield, long at the back, without hood, white cincture, black wearfoot and the scapulary of the brotherhood.
Starting: 20:00 h.
Route: Starting from the Monastery of “Carmelitas Descalzas de la Purísima Concepción”; C/ Imagen; C/ Mayor; C/ Carmen Calzado; C/ Escritorios; Plaza de los Santos Niños; C/ San Felipe de Neri; Plaza del Padre Lecanda; Plaza Palacio; C/ Santiago; C/ Imagen. Entry to the Monastery of “Carmelitas Descalzas de la Purísima Concepción” at 24:00 h.
Music Accompaniment: Music ensemble “Columna de Alcalá de Henares” for the float of the Christ. There is not music ensemble confirmed yet for “Paso de Palio “ [Canopy Float].
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Holy Thursday April 17th
Brotherhood of “Real e Ilustre Esclavitud de N. P. Jesús Nazareno de Medinaceli y María Stma. de la Trinidad”
Canonical Venue: Parish of San Bartolomé
Starting: Old College of “San Ciriaco y Santa Paula” (commoners from Málaga). The name is due to its founder, Juan Alonso de Moscoso, who was bishop of such city among others. Founded in 1610, its works can be considered as Madrid’s Baroque-style. Its façade is composed by baseboards and two floors divided by the stone impost of the arches. The central body is placed between two turrets of Herrerian style with stone ashlars on the angles on the two first floors and bricks ones on the upper ones. On the third floor, balconies can be appreciated with a triangulate pediment. The coat of arms of Bishop Moscoso is engraved in it, as well as on the corners of the University.
Historical reference: The brotherhood was founded in 1955 due to their devotion for the Image from Medinaceli. It was the first brotherhood of Alcalá which had its own music band. During almost half century, its canonical venue has been the Cistercian Monastery of S. Bernardo. Currently, its canonical venue is placed in the Parish of San Bartolomé. This brotherhood is the one with the largest number of penitents, around 1.600 slaves. In the commemorative acts of its fifty anniversaries, the Silver Medal of the City was awarded to it.
Float: The Image of “N. P. Jesús Nazareno de Medinaceli” and its throne are works by the maker of religious images Emilio Tudanca while the Image of “María Stma. de la Trinidad” and its throne were made by his son Javier Tudanca. The long poles of the canopy of the Virgin were golden, being one of the few of such characteristic in Spain.
Clothing: Purple habit with yellow cincture around both, neck and waist—characteristic of slavery)—, purple eye shield, white gloves, Trinitarian scapular and slavery flagship.
Starting: At 20:00 h.
Route: Colegio de Málaga (C/ De los Colegios 2); C/ De los Colegios; Plaza Rodríguez Marín; Plaza de Cervantes (lado del Ayuntamiento); C/Bustamante de la Cámara; Plaza de San Diego; C/ San Diego; C/ Azucena; Puerta de Mártires; C/ Libreros; C/ Nebrija; C/ Santiago; C/ Imagen; C/Mayor; Plaza de los Santos Niños; C/ Escritorios; C/ Santa Úrsula; C/ De los Colegios; Colegio de Málaga.
Music Accompaniment: Music ensemble “Jesús de Medinaceli” of Alcalá de Henares.
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Holy Thursday, April 17th
Brotherhood of “Stmo. Cristo Universitario de los Doctrinos y Ntra. Sra. de la Esperanza”
Canonical Venue: Chapel of Doctrinos. Building constructed in the sixteenth century from the previous building dating from the thirteenth one. This is a building made by brick and rough stones load-bearing walls, following the style of the so-called “sizing from Toledo”—typical from Madrid’s Baroque style. The building is composed by double cells, one of them holding the church—whose base floor is an open nave covered by a fake vault supported by a decorated cornice—and the other homing the sacristy. The transept is separated from the nave by a grill of two leaves, compound by twenty iron bars installed in December in 1721.
Historical Reference: The permission to put in place the brotherhood dates back from September 1st 1660. The First Ordinances or Constitutions were written in twelve chapters and were approved by the Council of Government of the Archbishopric of Toledo on March 6th 1661. In 1665, the Pope Alexander VII pointed the feast of the Ascension as the day in which the brotherhood of “Santísimo Cristo de los Doctrinos” would be able to celebrate its procession, awarding Plenary Indulgences to those who visit the sanctuary during the festivities of Holy Cross Day, Nativity of Mary, Feast of the Ascension and Good Friday. In 1945, the image of “Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza” is embodied in the brotherhood.
Float: Wood carving of the “Stmo. Cristo Universitario de los Doctrinos”: a Jesuit work by Domingo Beltrán between 1587 and 1590. Sculpted in sateen wood. The hair and the crown of thorns are made of ebony, showing the torture of death and the love in its majesty. The image of “Nuestra Sra. de la Esperanza” carved in wood by the maker of religious images Justo Garrido, from Madrid, was included in the brotherhood in 1945. It goes out in procession on a canopy float with a green gown and golden needlework.
Clothing: Habit from the “Stmo. Cristo Universitario de los Doctrinos”, it means, a black executioner with a white gullet and lace edging, as well as the red colored hood with the coat of arms of Cardinal Cisneros typical from the students of the Golden Age. They also wear a mortarboard topped off with a red pompom and white gloves and the medal of the brotherhood. The procession is made barefaced. In the case of the Image of “Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza”, brothers wear a bone-white habit, pleated on the front and figure-hugging thanks to a cincture—a rope of green and golden pompoms. Same color as the habit, the clock is finished off by an olive-green Hood and whose back wears Cardinal Cisneros coat of arms, and white gloves. Medal of the brotherhood.
Starting: At 20:30 h on Saint Thursday.
Route: Parish of Doctrinos; C/ De los Colegios; Plaza Rodríguez Marín; Plaza de Cervantes (Lado Circulo); C/ Bustamante de la Cámara; Plaza de San Diego (at 21:30 approximately, it will take place the meeting of images and Hail Holy Queen chantin the Lonja de la Universidad); C/ Bedel; C/ Libreros; Plaza de Cervantes; C/ Mayor; C/ Carmen Calzado; C/ Santa Ursula; Plaza Rodríguez Marín; C/ De los Colegios; Parish of Doctrinos
Music Accompaniment: Complutensian Concert Band.
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Good Friday April 18th
Brotherhood of “Stmo. Cristo de la Agonía, María Stma. de los Dolores y San Juan”
Canonical Venue: Convent of the “RR.MM. Concepcionistas Franciscanas de Sta. Úrsula. Clausura” founded in the sixteenth century by the canon of the Magisterial Cathedral Gutiérrez de Cetina. The church, Mudéjar style, is covered by a wooden coffered ceiling. It possessed an inside sacristy with interesting paintings in fresco of musician angels. The Renaissance garden of the founder’s house is preserved.
Historical Reference: The brotherhood founded in the middle of the seventeenth century had its venue originally placed inside the College of Minor Priests —commoners from Caracciolos. In its starts, the processions showed a wood carving by one of the most famous makers of religious images in Spain, Pedro de Mena, known as “Cristo del Perdón”. With the Ecclesiastical Confiscations of Mendizábal, the Christ changed to the convent of “Santa Úrsula”, in which the brotherhood has now its venue. Since November 2008, it is harmonized with the brotherhood of “Stmo. Cristo Universitario de los Doctrinos and Ntra. Sra. de la Esperanza”, recovering the previous harmonization made in 1762.
Floats: During the Republic, the Image of the Christ was destroyed. At the end of the forties, the brotherhood started to reorganize. In 1949, Mr. Ventura Corral bought in Olot the current Image. In the year 1953, it was given to “RR.MM. Concepcionistas” and hung the Crossed Christ on the altar occupied before by Pedro de Mena. In the year 1954, the Virgin image was bought and the following year, the same happened with San Juan. On January 14th 1995, the brotherhood was reorganized and the procession of the same year showed an image made by the brothers themselves. In 2009, the Image of “Santa María Magdalena” was added to their properties, concluding the Stations of the Cross. In the year 2004, a new float was added to the brotherhood, that of Jesus carrying the Cross and in the year 2008, that of Verónica’s.
Clothing: White rope, red clock, red eye shield, red and white cincture, white gloves, black footwear, brotherhood crucifix and wooden cross.
Starting: 6:00 h.
Route: Monastery of Santa Úrsula, C/ de Santa Úrsula, C/ De los Colegios, Puerta de Aguadores, C/ de Giner de los Ríos, C/del Teniente Ruiz, Plaza de los Mártires, C/ de los Libreros, C/ de las Beatas, Plaza de San Diego, C/ de Pedro Gumiel, Plaza de Cervantes, C/ Mayor, C/ de Carmen Calzado, C/ de Santa Ursula, Monastery of Santa Úrsula.
Music Accompaniment: Music ensemble of Villalbilla.
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Good Friday, April 18th
Brotherhood of “Antigua, Ilustre y Fervorosa Hermandad y Cofradía de María Stma. de la Soledad Coronada y Sagrado descendimiento de Ntro. Señor Jesucristo”
Canonical venue: PARISH of Santa María la Mayor. The old church of Jesuits was finished, except for the façade, in 1620. The Baroque-style work of clear Italian influence, with Latin-Cross shape, has side chapels connected to each other domed over with pendentives and a polygonal dome. Its amazing main altarpiece stands out.
Historical Reference: Brotherhood founded at the beginning of sixteenth century (1508 according to Complutensian Annals) has its chapel in the Church of “San Francisco de Paula”—current Faculty of Economy. In 1834, after Jesuits’ ejection, the image was moved to the Magisterial. The Virgin is Canonically Crowned in 2000 by the Bishop of the Diocese Mr. D. Jesús Catalá Ibáñez.
Paso: The wood carving was made in 1961 by the Sevillian sculptor Mr. Antonio Castillo Lastrucci and goes on procession with a black velvet dress and golden needlework. The “Cristo en su Sagrado Descendimiento” is made by Mr. Jesús Méndez Lastrucci, as well as the image of “Nicodemo and José de Arimatea”. They are carried by 28 brothers inside the canopy float and the mystery of descent.
Clothing: Black habit and white eye shield with black and white cincture. Black footwear and the medal of the brotherhood.
Starting: 19:15 h.
Route: Parish of Santa María la Mayor, C/ de los Libreros, C/ del Bedel, Plaza de San Diego, C/ de Bustamante de la Cámara, Plaza de Cervantes (right side), C/ de los Cerrajeros, C/ del Carmen Calzado, C/ Mayor, C/ de la Imagen, C/ de Santiago, C/ Nueva, C/ Mayor, Plaza de Cervantes, C/ de los Libreros, Parish of Santa María la Mayor. 23,55 h.
Music Accompaniment: Music Chapel of Sagrado Descendimiento with the float of mystery and the Asociación Unión Musical Bailenense (Bailén, Jaén), in a canopy float.
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Good Friday, April 18th
Brotherhood of “Real e Ilustre Esclavitud de N. P. Jesús Nazareno de Medinaceli y María Stma. de la Trinidad”
Starting: 20:30 h.
Route: Colegio de Málaga C/ de los Colegios Plaza Rodríguez Marín Plaza de Cervantes (lado del Círculo) C/ Pedro Gumiel Plaza de San Diego C/ San Diego C/ Azucena Puerta de Mártires C/ Libreros C/ Santiago C/ Cervantes C/ Ramón y Cajal C/ Cerrajeros Plaza de Cervantes (Ayuntamiento) Plaza Rodríguez Marín C/De los Colegios Colegio de Málaga
Music Accompaniment: Music ensemble of Jesús de Medinaceli of Alcalá de Henares.
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Good Friday, April 18th
Brotherhood of “Sto. Entierro y Ntra. Sra. de los Dolores”
Canonical Venue: Monastery of “Ntra. Sra. de la Esperanza de las RR. MM. Franciscanas de Sta. Clara”. Founded in 1401, it was incorporated to the “Regla de Sta. Clara” in 1515. It enjoyed the protection of Cardinal Cisneros, and after two centuries after his death, the monastery was ruinous and barons of Silveira act as godfathers in its restoration. In the Civil War, the archive of the community disappeared.
Historical Reference: Our brotherhood was founded, according to the anonymous story of Complutensian Annals, at the beginning of sixteenth century, and still working until the French Invasion—which canonical venue was then the Convent of Minimum until the Ecclesiastical Confiscation of Mendizabal. After a century of inactivity, it reemerged strongly and led the Complutensian Holy Week until the proclaiming of the Second Republic. In the year 1949, it reappears again. Its procession is named “Silent Procession” and in the Exchange of the Magisterial there is a OUTH OF SILENCE.
Floats: “Stmo. Cristo Yacente”, anonymous wood carving, is believed to be property of the College of “Gregorio Fernández”, property of “Dominicas de Sta. Catalina de Siena”, one of the two that survived the Civil War. “Ntra. Sra. de los Dolores” was bought in Olot in the middle of the twentieth century and is worshipped in our canonical venue. The procession has been made without distinction by brothers or on a carriage.
Clothing: Black tunic, purple scapulary hood, yellow-golden cincture, white gloves, medal of the brotherhood and black wearfoot and habits of different colours to guard Images.
Starting: 23:00 h.
Route: Magisterial Cathedral, C/ de la Tercia, Plaza de los Santos Niños, C/ Del Empecinado, C/ de Santa María la Rica, C/ de la Carcel Vieja, Plaza de San Juan de Dios, C/ de la Trinidad, C/ del Gallo, C/ de Carmen Calzado, C/ Mayor, Plaza de los Santos Niños, C/ de la Tercia, entry to the Magisterial Cathedral at 2:00 h.
Points of Interest: Entry to the Magisterial Cathedral by the back, in silence and with the sound of the bell of the float “Stmo. Cristo Yacente”.
Music Accompaniment: Drums.
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Easter Sunday
Brotherhood of “Ntro. Padre Jesús Resucitado y Ntra. Sra. de la Salud y el Perpetuo Socorro”
Canonical venue: Holy and Illustrious Magisterial Cathedral.
Historical Reference: The brotherhood founded on April 8th of 2012. Most of the founders were nurses working in the ER of the Community of Madrid. In harmony with the firemen, civil defense, and local and national police of the city, they represented the profession of emergency services in that city. That feeling is identified with the work performed by the religious congregation living in the same city, Siervas de María—minister of ill people, who asked permission to Rome to achieve the congregation to be the visible image of the brotherhood. Some months after in a Mass in its canonical venue, they were made honor sisters of the brotherhood. Eleven month after its foundation, the bishop of the diocese of Alcalá de Henares, Mr Juan Antonio Reig Pla, signed the statutes making them the new brotherhood of the Complutensian city.
Nuestro Padre Jesús Resucitado: Image donated by the City Hall in collaboration with the Board of Brotherhoods of the City. The Image of our Father Jesus was made in workshops of Granada specialized in sacred art. This Image has been transferred by the board of brotherhoods to the new brotherhood for processions and worship.
Ntra. Sra. de la Salud y el Perpetuo Socorro: Image made by the maker of religious images MR. SALVADOR MADROÑAL, from Seville, made in Cedar wood in 2012 by order of the brotherhood, the two floats being taken on procession carried by two groups of brothers.
Clothing: White habit and eye shield, gloves of the same color, white and light blue cincture, light blue layer honoring the Franciscan vow that the brotherhood made since its foundation, black footwear and medal of the brotherhood.
Starting: 07.30 h Meeting: 07.40 h Entry: 12.00 h.
Route: C/Tercia (cruce Tercia); C/ Santa Catalina; C/ Damas; C/ Infanta Catalina; C/ Empecinado; Plaza Empecinado; C/ De la Merced; C/ Siete Esquinas; C/ Cardenal Tenorio; C/ Hita; (Caracciolos’ side); C/ Gallo (crossing C/Escritorios); C/ Carmen Calzado; C/ Mayor , (Hospitalillo); C/ Imagen; C/ Santiago; Plaza Padre Lecanda; C/ San Felipe Neri,(Oratorio); C/ Mayor, (Casa Tapón); Plaza de los Santos Niños. Prayers by the Bishop in Plaza de los Santos Niños, approximately around 12:00 p. m.
Music Bands: Music ensemble “CC y TT Cristo del Amor” from Tarancón honoring Christ and the Virgin.
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