2014 Holy Week says goodbye to Alcalá with the last two major events: the Easter Sunday procession and the Easter Celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus.
Liturgical Acts in the Magisterial Cathedral
12:30 h. Easter Celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus
Easter Sunday Procession
Brotherhood of “Ntro. Padre Jesús Resucitado y Ntra. Sra. de la Salud y el Perpetuo Socorro”
Starting: 07.30 h Meeting: 12.00 h.
Canonical venue: Holy and Illustrious Magisterial Cathedral.
Historical Reference: The brotherhood founded on April 8th of 2012. Most of the founders were nurses working in the ER of the Community of Madrid. In harmony with the firemen, civil defense, and local and national police of the city, they represented the profession of emergency services in that city. That feeling is identified with the work performed by the religious congregation living in the same city, Siervas de María—minister of ill people, who asked permission to Rome to achieve the congregation to be the visible image of the brotherhood. Some months after in a Mass in its canonical venue, they were made honor sisters of the brotherhood. Eleven month after its foundation, the bishop of the diocese of Alcalá de Henares, Mr Juan Antonio Reig Pla, signed the statutes making them the new brotherhood of the Complutensian city.
Nuestro Padre Jesús Resucitado: Image donated by the City Hall in collaboration with the Board of Brotherhoods of the City. The Image of our Father Jesus was made in workshops of Granada specialized in sacred art. This Image has been transferred by the board of brotherhoods to the new brotherhood for processions and worship.
Ntra. Sra. de la Salud y el Perpetuo Socorro: Image made by the maker of religious images MR. SALVADOR MADROÑAL, from Seville, made in Cedar wood in 2012 by order of the brotherhood, the two floats being taken on procession carried by two groups of brothers.
Clothing: White habit and eye shield, gloves of the same color, white and light blue cincture, light blue layer honoring the Franciscan vow that the brotherhood made since its foundation, black footwear and medal of the brotherhood.
Route: C/Tercia (cruce Tercia); C/ Santa Catalina; C/ Damas; C/ Infanta Catalina; C/ Empecinado; Plaza Empecinado; C/ De la Merced; C/ Siete Esquinas; C/ Cardenal Tenorio; C/ Hita; (Caracciolos’ side); C/ Gallo (crossing C/Escritorios); C/ Carmen Calzado; C/ Mayor , (Hospitalillo); C/ Imagen; C/ Santiago; Plaza Padre Lecanda; C/ San Felipe Neri,(Oratorio); C/ Mayor, (Casa Tapón); Plaza de los Santos Niños. Prayers by the Bishop in Plaza de los Santos Niños, approximately around 12:00 p. m.
Music Bands: Music ensemble “CC y TT Cristo del Amor” from Tarancón honoring Christ and the Virgin.
Additional information:
Main picture: Daniel Rocal, via photopin cc
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