The most intense Holy Week day in Alcalá de Henares. On Good Friday you can attend 4 processions (Christ Agony, Sacred Descent, Jesus of Nazareth of Medinaceli and Entombment), 2 fraternity acts and the liturgical celebration of the Lord of Death in the Cathedral Magistral.
Events organized by the different brotherhoods
Visit and worship of the Most Holy in the Monument
Hour: April 17th, Holy Thursday, from 18:00 to 19:30 h.
April 18th, Holy Friday, from 10:00 h. to 17:00 h.
Place: Chapel of “Stmo. Cristo Universitario de los Doctrinos”. C/ De los Colegios nº 9
Organized by: Brotherhood of “Stmo. Cristo Universitario de los Doctrinos y Ntra. Sra. de la Esperanza”.
Exposition of the main Images of the brotherhood
Hour: From 10:00 h. to 15:00 h.
Place: Music classroom. C/ De los Colegios nº 10
Organized by: Brotherhood of “Stmo. Cristo Universitario de los Doctrinos y Ntra. Sra. de la Esperanza”.
Liturgical Acts in the Magisterial Cathedral
5:00 pm Liturgical Celebration of the Lord’s Death
Brotherhood of “Stmo. Cristo de la Agonía, María Stma. de los Dolores y San Juan”
Starting: 6:00 h.
Canonical Venue: Convent of the “RR.MM. Concepcionistas Franciscanas de Sta. Úrsula. Clausura” founded in the sixteenth century by the canon of the Magisterial Cathedral Gutiérrez de Cetina. The church, Mudéjar style, is covered by a wooden coffered ceiling. It possessed an inside sacristy with interesting paintings in fresco of musician angels. The Renaissance garden of the founder’s house is preserved.
Historical Reference: The brotherhood founded in the middle of the seventeenth century had its venue originally placed inside the College of Minor Priests —commoners from Caracciolos. In its starts, the processions showed a wood carving by one of the most famous makers of religious images in Spain, Pedro de Mena, known as “Cristo del Perdón”. With the Ecclesiastical Confiscations of Mendizábal, the Christ changed to the convent of “Santa Úrsula”, in which the brotherhood has now its venue. Since November 2008, it is harmonized with the brotherhood of “Stmo. Cristo Universitario de los Doctrinos and Ntra. Sra. de la Esperanza”, recovering the previous harmonization made in 1762.
Floats: During the Republic, the Image of the Christ was destroyed. At the end of the forties, the brotherhood started to reorganize. In 1949, Mr. Ventura Corral bought in Olot the current Image. In the year 1953, it was given to “RR.MM. Concepcionistas” and hung the Crossed Christ on the altar occupied before by Pedro de Mena. In the year 1954, the Virgin image was bought and the following year, the same happened with San Juan. On January 14th 1995, the brotherhood was reorganized and the procession of the same year showed an image made by the brothers themselves. In 2009, the Image of “Santa María Magdalena” was added to their properties, concluding the Stations of the Cross. In the year 2004, a new float was added to the brotherhood, that of Jesus carrying the Cross and in the year 2008, that of Verónica’s.
Clothing: White rope, red clock, red eye shield, red and white cincture, white gloves, black footwear, brotherhood crucifix and wooden cross.
Route: Monastery of Santa Úrsula, C/ de Santa Úrsula, C/ De los Colegios, Puerta de Aguadores, C/ de Giner de los Ríos, C/del Teniente Ruiz, Plaza de los Mártires, C/ de los Libreros, C/ de las Beatas, Plaza de San Diego, C/ de Pedro Gumiel, Plaza de Cervantes, C/ Mayor, C/ de Carmen Calzado, C/ de Santa Ursula, Monastery of Santa Úrsula.
Music Accompaniment: Music ensemble of Villalbilla.
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Brotherhood of “Antigua, Ilustre y Fervorosa Hermandad y Cofradía de María Stma. de la Soledad Coronada y Sagrado descendimiento de Ntro. Señor Jesucristo”
Starting: 19:15 h.
Canonical venue: PARISH of Santa María la Mayor. The old church of Jesuits was finished, except for the façade, in 1620. The Baroque-style work of clear Italian influence, with Latin-Cross shape, has side chapels connected to each other domed over with pendentives and a polygonal dome. Its amazing main altarpiece stands out.
Historical Reference: Brotherhood founded at the beginning of sixteenth century (1508 according to Complutensian Annals) has its chapel in the Church of “San Francisco de Paula”—current Faculty of Economy. In 1834, after Jesuits’ ejection, the image was moved to the Magisterial. The Virgin is Canonically Crowned in 2000 by the Bishop of the Diocese Mr. D. Jesús Catalá Ibáñez.
Paso: The wood carving was made in 1961 by the Sevillian sculptor Mr. Antonio Castillo Lastrucci and goes on procession with a black velvet dress and golden needlework. The “Cristo en su Sagrado Descendimiento” is made by Mr. Jesús Méndez Lastrucci, as well as the image of “Nicodemo and José de Arimatea”. They are carried by 28 brothers inside the canopy float and the mystery of descent.
Clothing: Black habit and white eye shield with black and white cincture. Black footwear and the medal of the brotherhood.
Route: Parish of Santa María la Mayor, C/ de los Libreros, C/ del Bedel, Plaza de San Diego, C/ de Bustamante de la Cámara, Plaza de Cervantes (right side), C/ de los Cerrajeros, C/ del Carmen Calzado, C/ Mayor, C/ de la Imagen, C/ de Santiago, C/ Nueva, C/ Mayor, Plaza de Cervantes, C/ de los Libreros, Parish of Santa María la Mayor. 23,55 h.
Music Accompaniment: Music Chapel of Sagrado Descendimiento with the float of mystery and the Asociación Unión Musical Bailenense (Bailén, Jaén), in a canopy float.
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Brotherhood of “Real e Ilustre Esclavitud de N. P. Jesús Nazareno de Medinaceli y María Stma. de la Trinidad”
Starting: 20:30 h.
Route: Colegio de Málaga C/ de los Colegios Plaza Rodríguez Marín Plaza de Cervantes (lado del Círculo) C/ Pedro Gumiel Plaza de San Diego C/ San Diego C/ Azucena Puerta de Mártires C/ Libreros C/ Santiago C/ Cervantes C/ Ramón y Cajal C/ Cerrajeros Plaza de Cervantes (Ayuntamiento) Plaza Rodríguez Marín C/De los Colegios Colegio de Málaga
Music Accompaniment: Music ensemble of Jesús de Medinaceli of Alcalá de Henares.
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Brotherhood of “Sto. Entierro y Ntra. Sra. de los Dolores”
Starting: 23:00 h.
Canonical Venue: Monastery of “Ntra. Sra. de la Esperanza de las RR. MM. Franciscanas de Sta. Clara”. Founded in 1401, it was incorporated to the “Regla de Sta. Clara” in 1515. It enjoyed the protection of Cardinal Cisneros, and after two centuries after his death, the monastery was ruinous and barons of Silveira act as godfathers in its restoration. In the Civil War, the archive of the community disappeared.
Historical Reference: Our brotherhood was founded, according to the anonymous story of Complutensian Annals, at the beginning of sixteenth century, and still working until the French Invasion—which canonical venue was then the Convent of Minimum until the Ecclesiastical Confiscation of Mendizabal. After a century of inactivity, it reemerged strongly and led the Complutensian Holy Week until the proclaiming of the Second Republic. In the year 1949, it reappears again. Its procession is named “Silent Procession” and in the Exchange of the Magisterial there is a OUTH OF SILENCE.
Floats: “Stmo. Cristo Yacente”, anonymous wood carving, is believed to be property of the College of “Gregorio Fernández”, property of “Dominicas de Sta. Catalina de Siena”, one of the two that survived the Civil War. “Ntra. Sra. de los Dolores” was bought in Olot in the middle of the twentieth century and is worshipped in our canonical venue. The procession has been made without distinction by brothers or on a carriage.
Clothing: Black tunic, purple scapulary hood, yellow-golden cincture, white gloves, medal of the brotherhood and black wearfoot and habits of different colours to guard Images.
Route: Magisterial Cathedral, C/ de la Tercia, Plaza de los Santos Niños, C/ Del Empecinado, C/ de Santa María la Rica, C/ de la Carcel Vieja, Plaza de San Juan de Dios, C/ de la Trinidad, C/ del Gallo, C/ de Carmen Calzado, C/ Mayor, Plaza de los Santos Niños, C/ de la Tercia, entry to the Magisterial Cathedral at 2:00 h.
Points of Interest: Entry to the Magisterial Cathedral by the back, in silence and with the sound of the bell of the float “Stmo. Cristo Yacente”.
Music Accompaniment: Drums.
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