Coinciding with the performance of Don Juan in Alcalá days which will take place October 31 and November 1 at 19:00 h. at Plaza de Cervantes, Plaza de los Santos Niños (in front of the Cathedral) and Huerta del Arzobispo, the Department of Tourism presents the Dramatised visits Nights of Don Juan in Alcalá.
A theatrical romantic itinerary with Don Juan Tenorio through the streets of Alcala, represented in different parts of the historic center passages of the work of José Zorrilla. An opportunity of knowing the city walking with Don Juan Tenorio by the most picturesque corners of Alcalá.
From 7 to November 29 every Friday and Saturday. Visit time 2:30 h. Information and reservations: 91 889 26 94. Office of Tourism of the Plaza de Cervantes.
Visit Road: Plaza de Cervantes-Chapel Laurel.Corral Oidor-lodge of the Synagogue: The Monastery. House of the FLor Lopez: The Divan. San Felipe Neri: The Duel. Victory Square: The Graveyard. Main Facade of the Cathedral Magistral: Dinner. Square of the Bernardine: Repentance.
The visits are linked with a full range of hotels and restaurants on proof of having made it. Refer to the bellow pdf.
Visit path:
- Start point: Oficina Turismo Plaza de Cervantes
- Capilla del Oidor: La Hostería del Laurel
- Corral de la Sinagoga: El Monasterio
- Casa de los López de la Flor (Centro de Salud): El Divan
- San Felipe de Neri: El Duelo
- Plaza de la Victoria: El cementerio
- Fachada Principal de la Catedral Magistral: La Cena
- Plaza de las Bernardas: El arrepentimiento
Information and reservations
- Oficina de Turismo (Plaza de Cervantes) 10 am to 2 pm and 4 pm to 7 pm
- Phone 91 889 26 94
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