Dream Alcalá Blog Página 1369

Tribute to the Complutense Polyglot Bible in San Ildefonso Chapel

Biblia Políglota Complutense
Biblia Políglota Complutense

The renewed San Ildefonso Chapel will host on Monday November 18, at 1:30 pm, an act of homage to the Complutense Polyglot Bible, which in 2014 will celebrate the 500th anniversary of the publication of the first of his volumes.

The event is organized by the University of Alcalá and the city of Alcalá de Henares.

The Complutense Polyglot Polyglot is the first edition of a complete Bible written in Hebrew, Latin , Greek and Aramaic, and the most important scientific landmark of early sixteenth century in the field of philology, Humanism and Biblical Studies.

It is a massive work in extension and ambitious. Driven by Cardinal Cisneros in honor of the birth of Charles V, was the generosity of the Catholic Monarchs in the glorious rise of sixteenth century in Spain, which explains no financial means or human efforts were haggled during its development.

The basic materials for editing the ancient manuscripts were obtained from codex jealously guarded in convents, cathedrals and synagogues. And they were developed by the most well-known humanists of that time (Nebrija, the Pinciano, López de Zúñiga, Juan de Vergara, Alfonso de Zamora, Alfonso de Alcalá…).

600 volumes were printed in its first edition, each of which contained 6 volumes. Nowadays, barely a hundred units are preserved, almost all of them in libraries of the United States and countries from the Old Spanish Empire.

Additional information:


Puertas abiertas para celebrar el Día del Patrimonio Mundial

Complutum, la Alcalá romana
Complutum, la Alcalá romana

Los días 16 y 17 de noviembre se celebra una Jornada de puertas abiertas para celebrar el Día Internacional del Patrimonio Mundial . Habrá visitas gratuitas a la Torre de Santa María, al Burgo del Santiuste, Complutum o Casa de Hippolytus, entre otros.

El pasado año 2012 se celebró por vez primera el día Internacional del Patrimonio Mundial, que conmemora que el día 16 de noviembre de 1972 se firmó en París la Convención de Patrimonio Mundial, Cultural y Natural.

Alcalá de Henares se suma de nuevo a esta efeméride pensada para contribuir a acercar a la ciudadanía al conocimiento de la gran riqueza cultural y natural de los bienes incluidos en la lista del Patrimonio de la Humanidad de la UNESCO.

Esta celebración sirve para concienciar a los ciudadanos, y a todas las administraciones públicas, del deber común para proteger estos bienes excepcionales a fin de legarlos a las generaciones futuras, ya que este patrimonio, por su valor universal excepcional tiene un carácter global, entendiendo que no es exclusivo de un país o nación, sino que estos bienes poseen un valor fundamental para el conjunto de la humanidad.

De este modo, y para celebrar el día Internacional del Patrimonio Mundial, el Ayuntamiento de Alcalá de Henares, a través de las Concejalías de Patrimonio Histórico y de Turismo, ofrece dos jornadas de Puertas Abiertas a los edificios y monumentos visitables de la de la Red de Patrimonio Histórico, que podrán ser visitados de forma gratuita los próximos días 16 y 17 de Noviembre.

Puertas Abiertas en la Red de Patrimonio Histórico:

Sábado 16 de Noviembre: de 10:00 a 13:00 y de 16:00 a 18:00 horas
Domingo 17 de Noviembre: de 10:00 a 14:00 y de 16:00 a 18:00 horas.
Imprescindible reserva previa en la Oficina Municipal de Turismo (Callejón de Santa María s/n). 91 889 26 94

Sábado 16 y domingo 17 de Noviembre: de 10:00 a 14:00 horas y de 16:00 a 19:00 horas.

CIUDAD ROMANA DE COMPLUTUM (Conjunto Monumental del Foro). Camino del Juncal, s/n (confluencia con C/ Jiménez de Quesada).
Sábado 16 y domingo 17 de Noviembre: de 10:00 a 14:00 y de 16:00 a 18:00 horas.

CASA DE HIPPOLYTUS. Avenida de Madrid, s/n (junto a la Ciudad Deportiva El Juncal).
Sábado 16 y domingos 17 de Noviembre de 10:00 a 14:00 y de 16:00 a 19:00 horas.

Sábado 16 de Noviembre 13:30 horas.
Mínimo 4 personas. Parte del recinto está vedado al paso de menores de 12 años.
Imprescindible reserva previa en la Oficina Municipal de Turismo (Callejón de Santa María s/n). 91 889 26 94

Más información:


Open Doors to Celebrate the World Heritage Day

Complutum, la Alcalá romana
Complutum, la Alcalá romana

On November 16 and 17 will be held doors open days to celebrate the World Heritage Day. There will be free tours of the Tower of Santa Maria, the Borough of Santiuste, Complutum or House of Hippolytus, among others.

Last year 2012 was held for the first time the International World Heritage Day, which commemorates the day November 16, 1972 in Paris when the Convention of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage was signed.

Alcalá de Henares is added back to this event designed to help bringing citizens to the knowledge of the cultural and natural wealth of goods included in the list of World Heritage of UNESCO.

This celebration serves to raise public awareness, about the common duty to protect these exceptional assets to bequeath to future generations, and that this heritage, for their outstanding universal value is global, meaning that is not unique to a country or nation, but these goods have a fundamental value for the whole of humanity.

Thus, and to celebrate the International Day of the World Heritage, the City of Alcalá de Henares, through the Department of Heritage and Tourism, offers two Open Doors Days to buildings and monuments in the Historical Heritage Network, which can be visited for free November 16 and 17.

Doors Open Days in the Historical Heritage Network:

Saturday November 16th from 10:00 to 13:00 and 16:00 to 18:00 hours
Sunday November 17th from 10:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 18:00 hours.
Booking in advance at the Tourist Office(Callejón de Santa María s/n). 91 889 26 94

Saturday 16 and Sunday November 17 from 10:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 19:00 hours.

CIUDAD ROMANA DE COMPLUTUM (Conjunto Monumental del Foro).
Camino del Juncal, s/n. (confluence with C/ Jiménez de Quesada).
Saturday 16 and Sunday November 17 from 10:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 18:00 hours.

CASA DE HIPPOLYTUS. Avenida de Madrid, s/n. (next to the Ciudad Deportiva El Juncal).
Saturday 16 and Sunday November 17 from 10:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 19:00.

Saturday November 16 13:30.
Minimum 4 people. Part of the enclosure is forbidden to pass under 12 years.
Booking in advance at the Tourist Office (Callejón de Santa María s/n). 91 889 26 94

Additional information:


How to Drink Coffee in Spain: 8 Ways to Order a Cup of Joe

Confession: I’m not that big of a coffee drinker—tea is really more my thing. But I do enjoy the occasional cuppa joe about once a week, and after living here in Spain for a year I’ve figured out how to add some variety to my morning injection of caffeine beyond the standard café con leche.

The post How to Drink Coffee in Spain: 8 Ways to Order a Cup of Joe appeared first on www.trevorhuxham.com

Most of these are just variations on a shot of espresso and steamed milk, but there’s a few surprises, too. Get your coffee pot started and join me as I explain the basics of drinking coffee in Spain.

Café solo

Coffee in Spain
(Source: thiery49)

“Only coffee” is simply a shot of espresso (that’s spelled with an S, not an X!), the coffee beverage that is made from forcing hot water at a high pressure through ground coffee beans. It’s served in a short, tiny glass or ceramic cup with a saucer, spoon, and a bag of sugar. A good café solo will have a thick, almost bitter body capped with thin layer of foam. This is coffee at its rawest.

Café cortado

Coffee in Spain
(Source: Alexandra Guerson)

café cortado is called so because the shot of espresso is “cut” with some steamed milk—but only some, as there’s more coffee than milk in this drink. It’s not quite as strong or bitter as a straight-up café solo; instead, the creaminess of the milk makes it a little more palatable. Author David Lebovitz, who writes about pastries in France, has praised the simple pleasures of the cortado in a really lovely blog post you should check outhere.

Café con leche

Coffee in Spain
(Source: Jorge Gobbi)

Love, love, love me some café con leche. Equal parts espresso and steamed milk, this is the best of both worlds, and the milk foam is literally the icing on the cake. Compared with other beverages on this post, a café con leche is actually quite substantial in terms of volume, so it will last you longer if you’re having breakfast or munching on a snack. Although I know I’m not terribly original at all, this is my favorite on this list because, for me, it’s the perfect combination of coffee bean and dairy. What I really love, however, is the contrast between the cooled milk foam and the hot coffee beneath.

Café manchado

Coffee in Spain
(Source: Miguel Librero)

The name for café manchado (“stained coffee”) is kind of confusing, because it’s really a cortado that has been stained with milk. But this coffee is more appropriately leche manchada (“stained milk”) because this drink is mostly steamed milk with a little bit of espresso, not quite an entire shot. Very milky with a little coffee flavor, this is for you folks who like to drink coffee but don’t actually like coffee.

(In the picture above, a café con leche is in the foreground and amanchado is in the background.)

Café americano

Coffee in Spain
(Source: Arneliese)

Don’t confuse “American coffee” with drip or filter coffee; to create a café americano, you add hot water to a shot of espresso…and that’s it! Starbucks’ website describes this drink as “a coffee that satisfies the American preference for more sips in every cup,” and although anamericano hardly sizes up to the cavernous mugs of coffee most Americans are accustomed to, I’d say this hits the spot when you’re craving some black coffee but aren’t in the mood for a brief, concentrated café solo.

Café con hielo

Coffee in Spain
(Source: Marion Deveaud)

Add a shot of espresso (café solo) to a glass of ice cubes and you get café con hielo—“coffee with ice.” Although it hardly measures up to your typical grande iced coffee to-go from Starbucks, it’s a nice pick-me-up that Spaniards often drink on warm summer afternoons when they’re craving some caffeine but don’t want something too hot. You’ve got to be fast when pouring the espresso into the glass of ice, though, otherwise you’ll end up with a mesa con café, a “table with coffee”! My friend Alissa has written a great, introspective post about the deeper meaning behind the flick of the wrist involved in making a café con hielo here.


Coffee in Spain
(Source: Carles Escrig i Royo)

Pronounced “kah-rah-HEE-yoe” [ca.ɾaˈxi.ʎo], this coffee-based drink might throw you for a loop since it’s one part brandy and another part espresso. Yep—alcohol and caffeine sound like a risky combination, but it’s surprisingly common in the afternoon and evening. Fun fact: a carajillo with whipped cream on top becomes a café irlandés: an Irish coffee.

Café bombón

Coffee in Spain
(Source: Daniel Lobo)

Yep, this is what you’re thinking it is, a “bonbon coffee.” Add one part condensed milk to one part espresso and you’ve got a café bombón, an extremely syrupy and sweet little shot that tastes like the gooey inside of a chocolate bonbon. Basically liquid candy. But to be fair, I really am in love with the presentation here: the condensed milk makes a huge, sharp contrast with the espresso that floats on top of it, so much so that when it’s all served in a clear glass you can see three stripes of milk, espresso, and foam. This makes for a great dessert coffee after a heavy menú del día.

#ProTip: to get any of these decaf, ask for it descafeinado, but make sure to add de máquina (“from the [espresso] machine”) because otherwise you might get instant coffee.

Final note: I am hugely indebted to this flowchart entitled Café para todos—Coffee for Everybody—that was put together by a Spanish blogger a couple years ago. I once wandered in the desert of Spanish cafeterías, but now I feel like a pro. Check it out!

Coffee in Spain
(Source: copépodo)
The post How to Drink Coffee in Spain: 8 Ways to Order a Cup of Joe appeared first on www.trevorhuxham.com


How to Drink Coffee in Spain: 8 Ways to Order a Cup of Joe

Confession: I’m not that big of a coffee drinker—tea is really more my thing. But I do enjoy the occasional cuppa joe about once a week, and after living here in Spain for a year I’ve figured out how to add some variety to my morning injection of caffeine beyond the standard café con leche.

The post How to Drink Coffee in Spain: 8 Ways to Order a Cup of Joe appeared first on www.trevorhuxham.com

Most of these are just variations on a shot of espresso and steamed milk, but there’s a few surprises, too. Get your coffee pot started and join me as I explain the basics of drinking coffee in Spain.

Café solo

Coffee in Spain
(Source: thiery49)

“Only coffee” is simply a shot of espresso (that’s spelled with an S, not an X!), the coffee beverage that is made from forcing hot water at a high pressure through ground coffee beans. It’s served in a short, tiny glass or ceramic cup with a saucer, spoon, and a bag of sugar. A good café solo will have a thick, almost bitter body capped with thin layer of foam. This is coffee at its rawest.

Café cortado

Coffee in Spain
(Source: Alexandra Guerson)

café cortado is called so because the shot of espresso is “cut” with some steamed milk—but only some, as there’s more coffee than milk in this drink. It’s not quite as strong or bitter as a straight-up café solo; instead, the creaminess of the milk makes it a little more palatable. Author David Lebovitz, who writes about pastries in France, has praised the simple pleasures of the cortado in a really lovely blog post you should check outhere.

Café con leche

Coffee in Spain
(Source: Jorge Gobbi)

Love, love, love me some café con leche. Equal parts espresso and steamed milk, this is the best of both worlds, and the milk foam is literally the icing on the cake. Compared with other beverages on this post, a café con leche is actually quite substantial in terms of volume, so it will last you longer if you’re having breakfast or munching on a snack. Although I know I’m not terribly original at all, this is my favorite on this list because, for me, it’s the perfect combination of coffee bean and dairy. What I really love, however, is the contrast between the cooled milk foam and the hot coffee beneath.

Café manchado

Coffee in Spain
(Source: Miguel Librero)

The name for café manchado (“stained coffee”) is kind of confusing, because it’s really a cortado that has been stained with milk. But this coffee is more appropriately leche manchada (“stained milk”) because this drink is mostly steamed milk with a little bit of espresso, not quite an entire shot. Very milky with a little coffee flavor, this is for you folks who like to drink coffee but don’t actually like coffee.

(In the picture above, a café con leche is in the foreground and amanchado is in the background.)

Café americano

Coffee in Spain
(Source: Arneliese)

Don’t confuse “American coffee” with drip or filter coffee; to create a café americano, you add hot water to a shot of espresso…and that’s it! Starbucks’ website describes this drink as “a coffee that satisfies the American preference for more sips in every cup,” and although anamericano hardly sizes up to the cavernous mugs of coffee most Americans are accustomed to, I’d say this hits the spot when you’re craving some black coffee but aren’t in the mood for a brief, concentrated café solo.

Café con hielo

Coffee in Spain
(Source: Marion Deveaud)

Add a shot of espresso (café solo) to a glass of ice cubes and you get café con hielo—“coffee with ice.” Although it hardly measures up to your typical grande iced coffee to-go from Starbucks, it’s a nice pick-me-up that Spaniards often drink on warm summer afternoons when they’re craving some caffeine but don’t want something too hot. You’ve got to be fast when pouring the espresso into the glass of ice, though, otherwise you’ll end up with a mesa con café, a “table with coffee”! My friend Alissa has written a great, introspective post about the deeper meaning behind the flick of the wrist involved in making a café con hielo here.


Coffee in Spain
(Source: Carles Escrig i Royo)

Pronounced “kah-rah-HEE-yoe” [ca.ɾaˈxi.ʎo], this coffee-based drink might throw you for a loop since it’s one part brandy and another part espresso. Yep—alcohol and caffeine sound like a risky combination, but it’s surprisingly common in the afternoon and evening. Fun fact: a carajillo with whipped cream on top becomes a café irlandés: an Irish coffee.

Café bombón

Coffee in Spain
(Source: Daniel Lobo)

Yep, this is what you’re thinking it is, a “bonbon coffee.” Add one part condensed milk to one part espresso and you’ve got a café bombón, an extremely syrupy and sweet little shot that tastes like the gooey inside of a chocolate bonbon. Basically liquid candy. But to be fair, I really am in love with the presentation here: the condensed milk makes a huge, sharp contrast with the espresso that floats on top of it, so much so that when it’s all served in a clear glass you can see three stripes of milk, espresso, and foam. This makes for a great dessert coffee after a heavy menú del día.

#ProTip: to get any of these decaf, ask for it descafeinado, but make sure to add de máquina (“from the [espresso] machine”) because otherwise you might get instant coffee.

Final note: I am hugely indebted to this flowchart entitled Café para todos—Coffee for Everybody—that was put together by a Spanish blogger a couple years ago. I once wandered in the desert of Spanish cafeterías, but now I feel like a pro. Check it out!

Coffee in Spain
(Source: copépodo)
The post How to Drink Coffee in Spain: 8 Ways to Order a Cup of Joe appeared first on www.trevorhuxham.com


Exposición ‘Héroes ocultos. Inventos geniales. Objetos cotidianos’

La Sala San José de Caracciolos acoge hasta el 24 de noviembre la exposición ‘Héroes ocultos. Inventos geniales. Objetos cotidianos’.

¿Qué hace que un objeto cotidiano se convierta en un héroe oculto? Debe de ser algo relacionado con una idea ingeniosa pero fácilmente comprensible. Los héroes ocultos son objetos que han sido fabricados millones de veces pero que siguen siendo indispensables en el día a día.

Son objetos que han demostrado su valía una y otra vez y que, en esencia, han permanecido inalterables durante décadas o, dicho de otro modo, son clásicos cotidianos.

Con los objetos, las imágenes y los vídeos que se presentan en esta exposición se pretende mostrar cuatro aspectos particularmente interesantes:

  1. La innovación: la fascinante historia de la invención de estos objetos.
  2. La producción: las condiciones técnicas de su exitosa fabricación a gran escala.
  3. La evolución: su desarrollo histórico y la asombrosa diversidad de modelos y variaciones que han generado.

La muestra del Vitra Design Museum, en cooperación con Hi-Cone, está producida y organizada por la Obra Social ’la Caixa’, con la colaboración de la Universidad de Alcalá.

Se trata una innovadora muestra de divulgación del diseño de aquellos elementos que componen nuestra rutina y nuestras costumbres. Elementos ideados para hacernos la vida cotidiana más práctica y cómoda, y que han perdurado en el tiempo, algunos de ellos prácticamente sin modificaciones, trascendiendo con toda seguridad las propias pretensiones de sus creadores.

Inventos, todos ellos, que nos pasan desapercibidos en nuestro día a día, acostumbrados ya a su uso habitual, pero que han modulado nuestra existencia de forma concluyente y evidente.

Exposición ‘Héroes ocultos. Inventos geniales. Objetos cotidianos’
Del 23 de octubre al 24 de noviembre
Sala San José de Caracciolos: C/ Trinidad, 3 y 5. Alcalá de Henares (Google maps)


Más información:


Hidden Heroes Exhibition. The Genius of Everyday Things

The Sala San José de Caracciolos hosts until November 24 the exhibition ‘Héroes ocultos. Inventos geniales. Objetos cotidianos’.

We use them every day. They influence our lives. They number in the billions. They are so common that we rarely even think about them: the Hidden Heroes of everyday life. Be it a dowel, a tea bag or a zipper, these objects are classics. Typically based on an idea that was both simple and ingenious, they have often remained essentially unaltered for decades.

Due to their constancy, efficient use of materials and great utility, they are the utmost examples of sustainability and functional aesthetics. With the exhibition „Hidden Heroes: The Genius of Everyday Things“, the Vitra Design Museum and Hi-Cone presented 36 of these everyday classics, told about their history and demonstrated the enormous significance they have today, both conceptually and economically.

Numbering among the Hidden Heroes are things that have developed, in an almost evolutionary way, through the process of industrialisation over a period of decades. Proceeding through numerous variations, they have ultimately achieved a form that can hardly be improved upon today, such as the paper clip.

But they also include things that originated in the spontaneous idea of an individual person, and that advanced from the sudden inspiration of the inventor to a mass produced article in just a few years: for example, the minimalist multi-pack ring carrier by Hi-Cone, which was developed by the American
engineer Jules Poupitch in 1960 – a practical plastic carrier for cans that is now also made in a slightly altered version for bottles.

The exhibition of the Vitra Design Museum in cooperation with Hi-Cone, is produced and organized by Obra Social ’la Caixa’, with the collaboration of Universidad de Alcalá.

‘Héroes ocultos. Inventos geniales. Objetos cotidianos’ Exhibition
October 23 to November 24
Sala San José de Caracciolos: C/ Trinidad, 3 y 5. Alcalá de Henares (Google maps)


Additional information:


¿Necesitas visado para estudiar en Alcalá?

Para el caso de estudios e investigaciones de una duración inferior a los 3 meses no se requiere visado, salvo si el interesado es nacional de un país que sí lo requiera.

Para una duración mayor a 3 meses e inferior a 6 meses, sí se exige visado pero no hace falta realizar ningún otro trámite en España.

Para estudios o investigaciones de una duración superior a los 6 meses, además del visado, deberás solicitar en España la tarjeta de residencia para estudiantes. Este trámite hay que realizarlo en el plazo de un mes desde la entrada en España y se gestiona en las oficinas de extranjería de la policía nacional.

Recuerda que muchas universidades españolas disponen de servicios de atención a estudiantes e investigadores internacionales donde te ayudarán con la tramitación de tu tarjeta de estudiante. Puedes consultar éste y otros servicios en Información de contacto para estudiantes internacionales.

Los ciudadanos de países que no forman parte de la UE y que quieran realizar en España una estancia de estudios, formación o investigación superior a tres meses, deberán tramitar el correspondiente visado de estudios.

Para estudiar en España es necesario solicitar un visado de estudios en el Consulado español del país de origen o residencia legal.

Este es el procedimiento:

  1. Preinscribirse en un Centro docente público o privado en España oficialmente reconocido.
  2. Dirigirse al Consulado español para tramitar tu visado de estudios con el certificado o carta de aceptación que emita ese Centro.

Estos son los documentos necesarios para la tramitación del visado de estudios:

  • Pasaporte vigente.
  • Admisión de un centro docente, público o privado, oficialmente reconocido, para cursar o ampliar estudios o realizar trabajos de investigación o formación.
  • El contenido del plan de estudios, formación o investigación que se vaya a realizar.
  • Seguro médico que cubra, durante todo el tiempo de estancia en España, los gastos médicos y la repatriación en caso de accidente o enfermedad repentina.
  • Un certificado médico con el fin de acreditar que no padece ninguna de las enfermedades susceptibles de cuarentena prevista en el reglamento sanitario internacional.
  • La disposición de medios de subsistencia y alojamiento para el periodo que se solicita, y en su caso, para garantizar el retorno al país de procedencia.
  • Certificado de antecedentes penales expedido por las autoridades del país de origen o del país en que se ha residido durante los últimos 5 años.

El trámite del visado se realiza directamente en los Consulados Generales de España. Recuerde que en el Consulado donde gestione su visado de estudios le aclararán cualquier duda que le surja y le ayudarán con su tramitación.

Aquí encontrarás un listado con los Consulados Generales de España por todo el mundo.

No es posible entrar en España con un visado de turista y posteriormente solicitar un visado de estudios. En ese caso, sería necesario regresar a su país de residencia y obtener el nuevo visado allí.

Aquí encontrarás información importante para los ciudadanos estadounidenses.

La estancia por estudios permite trabajar hasta 20 horas semanales siempre que la jornada de laboral sea compatible con la realización de los estudios o investigación que se esté realizando. El empleador que quiera contratar a una persona que se encuentre en estas condiciones, deberá solicitar una autorización de trabajo en la Oficina de Extranjeros. La duración del contrato no podrá ser en ningún caso superior a la de la duración del visado de estudios.


Se solicita ante la Comisaría de Policía encargada en cada ciudad de este trámite.

La dirección exacta de la Comisaría de Alcalá de Henares es:
Av de Meco, s/n, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. Tel: 918 79 63 90. (Google maps)

En algunas Comunidades Autónomas es necesario solicitar cita previa (ya sea telefónicamente o por internet) para presentar la solicitud (documentación) para la concesión de la autorización de estancia por estudios.

Debes preguntar a tu tutor de acogida en su Universidad, si debes o no solicitar cita previa y si hay que solicitarla, la forma de hacerlo.

En algunas ciudades puede que la cita se la otorguen para varios meses después. El comprobante que se obtiene al solicitar esta cita es válido para acreditar su presencia legal en España hasta que acuda a la cita, y por tanto, se recomienda en este caso llevarlo consigo.

La documentación que con carácter general se requerirá para solicitar la autorización de estancia por estudios es la siguiente:

  • Impreso de Solicitud EX-17
  • Pasaporte en vigor con visado tipo D y sello de entrada en España
  • Comprobante de matrícula (o en su defecto carta de admisión)
  • 3 fotografías tamaño carnet
  • Resguardo del pago de la tasa, modelo 790 (código 012) (el impreso para el pago lo entrega la Comisaría)

Generalmente el mismo día que presenta la documentación procederá a la puesta de huellas dactilares y recibirás un justificante con tu número de NIE provisional, que tendrás que llevar al banco Santander, donde abriste tu cuenta bancaria, para confirmar su apertura. Mientras se tramita la solicitud y se te expide el carnet definitivo, el resguardo con tu número de NIE provisional es válido para acreditar su presencia legal en España.

Dependiendo de la Comunidad autónoma, la Comisaría tardará entre 15 días y 3 meses para la entrega de la autorización definitiva.

Más información:


Do you Need a Visa to Study in Alcalá?

International students and researchers wishing to study or conduct research in Spain must be in possession of a visa in order to be able to reside legally in the country.

Researchers or lecturers who have entered Spain with a residence visa which allows them to work without obtaining a work permit, must begin the procedures for obtaining a resident’s card within 30 days of their date of arrival in Spain.

Study visas and length of stay

For studies and research periods lasting less than three months no study visa is necessary, unless the interested party is from a country for which a visa is required as standard practice.

For periods of between three and six months a visa is required, but no other documents need be applied for in Spain

For studies and research periods lasting more than six months, visitors must apply for both a visa and a student’s residence card in Spain. The student must begin the application process within a month of his/her arrival in the country. The student’s residence card is processed at the Oficinas de Extranjería (Foreign Nationals Offices) of the Spanish Police.

Many Spanish universities have guidance services for international students and researchers which will help with the processing of the student’s residence card. For information on this and other services, please consult Contact information for international students.

Students from the European Union

Nationals of European Union countries do not require a visa. Nonetheless, they should applied for a NIE (Numero de Identificación de Extranjeros, Foreign National Identity Number) on their arrival in Spain. This document is needed, for example, to open a bank account, buy a discount transport card, or use the health service.

Alcalá de Henares’ Police Station:
Av de Meco, s/n, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. Tel: 918 79 63 90. (Google maps)

Students from other countries

Foreign nationals of countries outside the European Union wishing to study or research in Spain for a period longer than three months must apply for a study visa.

To study in Spain, students from non-EU countries must apply for a study visa at the Spanish Consulate of their country of origin or legal residence.

To apply for a study visa, prospective students should:

  1. Pre-enrol at a public or private teaching centre that is officially recognized in Spain.
  2. Contact the Spanish Consulate to process the study visa with the certificate or letter of acceptance issued by the Centre.

The following documents are needed to process the study visa:

  • Valid passport.
  • A document certifying admission to an officially recognized public or private teaching centre for the purposes of study, research or training.
  • The contents of the study, training or research syllabus that the applicant intends to pursue.
  • A medical insurance policy covering medical expenses and repatriation in the case of accident or sudden illness for the entire period of the stay in Spain.
  • A medical certificate specifying that the applicant does not suffer an illness requiring quarantine in accordance with international health regulations.
  • A certificate of solvency for the period in question, if necessary to cover the cost of returning to the country of origin.
  • A criminal record certificate issued by the authorities of the country of origin or the country in which the applicant has lived during the past five years.

The visa is processed by Spain’s Consulates-General abroad, which have specialist staff available to answer enquiries. For a list of Spain’s Consulates-General around the world, please follow this link.

At the Consulate where you apply to process your study visa the staff will answer any questions you may have.

It is not possible to enter Spain with a tourist visa and then apply for a study visa. Students entering the country only with a tourist visa will have to return to their country of residence and obtain the visa there.

Important information for U.S. students requesting a long term visa to Spain.

Foreign students studying in Spain may work for up to 20 hours a week provided that the working day is compatible with their study or research commitments. An employer who wishes to hire a foreign student in these conditions must apply to the Foreign Nationals’ Office for authorization. The duration of the contract may not be longer than the duration of the study visa.

Additional information:

Spanish Wines

5 Fun Facts I’ve Learned About Spanish Wines

The post 5 Fun Facts I’ve Learned About Spanish Wines appeared first on Spanish Sabores.

When I first traveled to Spain as a 20-year-old, I knew very little about Spanish wine. Rioja rang a bell, but other than that I was completely in the dark. And to be perfectly honest, it didn’t really matter. I spent my four month study abroad program in Granada drinking Alhambra beers and eating the free tapas that came with them. Granada is a great place for students, and I took advantage of what it had to offer.

Fast forward to the present day and here I am not only loving Spanish wines, but also working with them. I recently became certified through the WSET program and have been offering wine tastings through Madrid Food Tour for over a year now.

But the more I learn about Spanish wines, the more I feel I need to learn! Living in the country with more vineyards than anywhere else in the world, it’s easy to understand how it becomes an obsession. It also doesn’t help that the Spanish themselves know very little (on average) about one of their most important exports.

Here are some fun facts about I’ve learned about Spanish wines over the past few years. If you have anything to add, please leave a comment!

1. Spaniards don’t drink them!

Okay, so this is not completely true. But Spaniards aren’t drinking nearly as much wine as their neighbors. In 2011 they were the world’s 16th biggest wine consumers per capita– a number that has dropped 20.8% since 2007 according to studies by wineinstitute.org. In comparison France, Italy, and Portugal rank 4, 5, and 6, respectively. And let’s not forget that Spain is home to more vineyards than anywhere else in the world and is also the world’s third biggest producer of wines (after France and Italy).

The downward trend is seen all over Spain in local bars, where the wine selection is, more often than not, simply horrendous. It’s such a shame when, for the same price, you can have a terrible glass of wine or an excellent one.

2. Value for price is nearly unbeatable

The most expensive bottle of Spanish wine may raise alarm ($911 for a bottle of Dominio de Pingus, Ribera del Duero), and you’d likely have to transfer money online (this particular service is for Brit wine-lovers) to afford a case of it! But don’t despair, most Spanish wines are an extremely good value. Every year Spanish wine writer Alicia Estrada publishes the 100 best Spanish wines for under 10€. Her number one this year? At 5.15 euros it is a lovely red, Luzón 2012 D.O. Jumilla.

Murcian wine
Pouring wine from the barrel at a little wine shop in Murcia.


3. You order by the region, not the grape

This may be Spanish wines 101 but I’m always surprised by how many people have been living here awhile and still don’t quite understand the system. In Spain, wines are classified by their region, and not by their grape. So if you go into a bar asking for a syrah, they’ll probably look at you like you’re crazy– even if they have one. Luckily when armed with just a little bit of knowledge about Spanish wines you can easily make informed decisions, as many regions are known for using certain grapes with defined characteristics.

4. Sherries are wines and should not be ignored!

Okay, this might be half fact and half opinion. But anyone living in Spain who hasn’t fallen in love with sherry yet needs to try harder. I accept that they are wines with a bit of a funny reputation, and some are a hard sell at first, completely different from anything you’ve likely tried before– but I promise that if you keep tasting you will end up obsessed. As some of the world’s oldest and most complex wines, sherries are truly a world of their own that any wine lover should discover.

5. Rosé can be (very) dry

Before moving to Spain I had the idea that rosé wines were all sweet and syrupy, a dentist’s worst nightmare. And that’s because in the US many of them are (white zinfandel anyone?). But in most of Spain a rosé wine is actually a very dry wine, made of red grapes that have been crushed and allowed brief contact with the skins before being pressed. The results can be fantastic, and I drink rosé wines like a madwoman during the hot Spanish summers. My favorites smell like strawberries and lollipops, but have a touch of minerality when you take a sip. Anyway, I’ll stop with the wine talk and just advise you to try one next time you barbecue!

Rose wine Navarra
Ale’s own personalized bottle of Navarran rosé!

These are just a few fun facts I thought I’d share about Spanish wines. I’m finding the world of wines big and exciting, so if you’d like to see more wine posts as I keep learning, let me know in the comments!

The post 5 Fun Facts I’ve Learned About Spanish Wines appeared first on Spanish Sabores.

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Spanish Wines

5 Fun Facts I’ve Learned About Spanish Wines

The post 5 Fun Facts I’ve Learned About Spanish Wines appeared first on Spanish Sabores.

When I first traveled to Spain as a 20-year-old, I knew very little about Spanish wine. Rioja rang a bell, but other than that I was completely in the dark. And to be perfectly honest, it didn’t really matter. I spent my four month study abroad program in Granada drinking Alhambra beers and eating the free tapas that came with them. Granada is a great place for students, and I took advantage of what it had to offer.

Fast forward to the present day and here I am not only loving Spanish wines, but also working with them. I recently became certified through the WSET program and have been offering wine tastings through Madrid Food Tour for over a year now.

But the more I learn about Spanish wines, the more I feel I need to learn! Living in the country with more vineyards than anywhere else in the world, it’s easy to understand how it becomes an obsession. It also doesn’t help that the Spanish themselves know very little (on average) about one of their most important exports.

Here are some fun facts about I’ve learned about Spanish wines over the past few years. If you have anything to add, please leave a comment!

1. Spaniards don’t drink them!

Okay, so this is not completely true. But Spaniards aren’t drinking nearly as much wine as their neighbors. In 2011 they were the world’s 16th biggest wine consumers per capita– a number that has dropped 20.8% since 2007 according to studies by wineinstitute.org. In comparison France, Italy, and Portugal rank 4, 5, and 6, respectively. And let’s not forget that Spain is home to more vineyards than anywhere else in the world and is also the world’s third biggest producer of wines (after France and Italy).

The downward trend is seen all over Spain in local bars, where the wine selection is, more often than not, simply horrendous. It’s such a shame when, for the same price, you can have a terrible glass of wine or an excellent one.

2. Value for price is nearly unbeatable

The most expensive bottle of Spanish wine may raise alarm ($911 for a bottle of Dominio de Pingus, Ribera del Duero), and you’d likely have to transfer money online (this particular service is for Brit wine-lovers) to afford a case of it! But don’t despair, most Spanish wines are an extremely good value. Every year Spanish wine writer Alicia Estrada publishes the 100 best Spanish wines for under 10€. Her number one this year? At 5.15 euros it is a lovely red, Luzón 2012 D.O. Jumilla.

Murcian wine
Pouring wine from the barrel at a little wine shop in Murcia.


3. You order by the region, not the grape

This may be Spanish wines 101 but I’m always surprised by how many people have been living here awhile and still don’t quite understand the system. In Spain, wines are classified by their region, and not by their grape. So if you go into a bar asking for a syrah, they’ll probably look at you like you’re crazy– even if they have one. Luckily when armed with just a little bit of knowledge about Spanish wines you can easily make informed decisions, as many regions are known for using certain grapes with defined characteristics.

4. Sherries are wines and should not be ignored!

Okay, this might be half fact and half opinion. But anyone living in Spain who hasn’t fallen in love with sherry yet needs to try harder. I accept that they are wines with a bit of a funny reputation, and some are a hard sell at first, completely different from anything you’ve likely tried before– but I promise that if you keep tasting you will end up obsessed. As some of the world’s oldest and most complex wines, sherries are truly a world of their own that any wine lover should discover.

5. Rosé can be (very) dry

Before moving to Spain I had the idea that rosé wines were all sweet and syrupy, a dentist’s worst nightmare. And that’s because in the US many of them are (white zinfandel anyone?). But in most of Spain a rosé wine is actually a very dry wine, made of red grapes that have been crushed and allowed brief contact with the skins before being pressed. The results can be fantastic, and I drink rosé wines like a madwoman during the hot Spanish summers. My favorites smell like strawberries and lollipops, but have a touch of minerality when you take a sip. Anyway, I’ll stop with the wine talk and just advise you to try one next time you barbecue!

Rose wine Navarra
Ale’s own personalized bottle of Navarran rosé!

These are just a few fun facts I thought I’d share about Spanish wines. I’m finding the world of wines big and exciting, so if you’d like to see more wine posts as I keep learning, let me know in the comments!

The post 5 Fun Facts I’ve Learned About Spanish Wines appeared first on Spanish Sabores.

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Rutas Guiadas por la Comunidad de Madrid

La colección de Rutas Guiadas por la Comunidad de Madrid está compuesta por quince mapas-guías desplegables en las que se explican sencilla y detalladamente quince rutas diferentes por diversos lugares de la región.

La mayoría de las rutas guiadas que se proponen son de baja dificultad y muy fáciles de realizar, simples y diseñadas para recorrerse a pie o en bicicleta o en familia y accesibles para cualquier persona.

Estos itinerarios por diferentes destinos y áreas geográficas madrileñas incluyen información turística del destino –cómo llegar, qué ver, qué hacer, dónde comer o dónde dormir-,  la señalización y ficha técnica del recorrido, mapas y fotografías de los principales puntos por los que pasa la Ruta y merece la pena no perderse así como recomendaciones a tener en cuenta para que el paseo por estos bellos rincones resulte una experiencia inolvidable.

  1. Itinerario por los antiguos molinos de La Hiruela → descargar pdf  >
  2. Ruta por las campiñas de Torremocha de Jarama → descargar pdf  >
  3. Senda ecológica de Canencia → descargar pdf  >
  4. De Oteruelo del Valle a El Paular → descargar pdf  >
  5. De Canto Cochino al Refugio Giner de los Ríos → descargar pdf  >
  6. Camino Schmid → descargar pdf  >
  7. Paseo por el Valle de la Fuenfría → descargar pdf  >
  8. Las Machotas desde San Lorenzo de El Escorial → descargar pdf  >
  9. Los Molinos del río Perales → descargar pdf  >
  10. Peña de Cadalso → descargar pdf  >
  11. Vía Verde del Guadarrama → descargar pdf  >
  12. Los paseos arbolados de Aranjuez → descargar pdf  >
  13. Titulcia, Laguna de San Juan, Chinchón → descargar pdf  >
  14. Los Sotos de Villamanrique de Tajo → descargar pdf  >
  15. Ruta del castillo árabe por el Parque de los Cerros → descargar pdf  >

Para solicitar ejemplares impresos de la ruta que te interese puedes dirigirte a las Oficinas de Turismo de la Comunidad de Madrid. Para realizar cualquier otro tipo de consulta o sugerencia al correo electrónico destinos.turisticos@madrid.org

Más información:


Guided Tours through the Comunidad de Madrid

The Comunidad de Madrid is full of interesting routes to discover. We propose 15 guided tours for you to enjoy nature without leaving Madrid.

The guided tours through the Comunidad de Madrid is composed of fifteen maps – dropdown guides that explain in simple detail fifteen different routes to different parts of the region.

Most of the guided tours proposed are of low difficulty and very easy to perform, simple and designed to be covered by  foot or bicycle by the whole family and accessible for anyone.

These itineraries for different destinations and geographic areas in Madrid include information about the town – how to get there, what to see and do, where to eat or where to sleep – signaling and travel sheet, maps and photographs of the main points through which the route passes and worth not to miss, as well as recommendations to consider for the walk in these beautiful places an unforgettable experience.

  1. Itinerario por los antiguos molinos de La Hiruela → download pdf  >
  2. Ruta por las campiñas de Torremocha de Jarama → download pdf  >
  3. Senda ecológica de Canencia → download pdf  >
  4. De Oteruelo del Valle a El Paular → download pdf  >
  5. De Canto Cochino al Refugio Giner de los Ríos → download pdf  >
  6. Camino Schmid → download pdf  >
  7. Paseo por el Valle de la Fuenfría → download pdf  >
  8. Las Machotas desde San Lorenzo de El Escorial → download pdf  >
  9. Los Molinos del río Perales → download pdf  >
  10. Peña de Cadalso → download pdf  >
  11. Vía Verde del Guadarrama → download pdf  >
  12. Los paseos arbolados de Aranjuez → download pdf  >
  13. Titulcia, Laguna de San Juan, Chinchón → download pdf  >
  14. Los Sotos de Villamanrique de Tajo → download pdf  >
  15. Ruta del castillo árabe por el Parque de los Cerros → download pdf  >

To request copies of the route of your interest you can go to the Tourist Offices of the Community of Madrid. For any other inquiries or suggestions email destinos.turisticos@madrid.org

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Colegio de los Irlandeses

Colegio de los Irlandeses - Alcalá de Henares - Fotos Alcalingua

El colegio de los Irlandeses es un magnífico ejemplo del cosmopolitismo e importancia que adquirió Alcalá de Henares con la apertura de su universidad, y en especial en los países europeos católicos.

El colegio es la joya arquitectónica de la plaza que lleva el mismo nombre y que fue objeto de una importante restauración en  los pasados años noventa. Un bello enclave en pleno centro ciudadano, entre la calle Escritorios y la calle Mayor, a la que tiene dos salidas, una de ellas al corral de la Sinagoga.

El colegio menor de san Patricio, de san Jorge o de los Irlandeses, que esos tres nombres tiene o ha tenido fue fundado en 1630 por los sacerdotes Sean O’Neill y Teobaldo Estapletonio (una clara castellanización de Stapleton), pero se cerró en 1641 ya que a su muerte no dejaron rentas con que financiarlo.

Para estudiantes de países protestantes

Fue refundado poco más tarde gracias a los deseos expresos del barón portugués don Jorge de Paz Silveira, alcaide de la fortaleza de Martos en Jaén, caballero de las órdenes de Santiago y de Cristo, y con tierras y bienes en Cuenca, quien así lo dispuso en su testamento. Falleció en 1645 y su viuda, Beatriz de Silveira, ejecutó el proyecto, eligiendo Alcalá para ello.

Fundó el colegio en 1649 con veinte colegiales, dotándolo con un fondo de 5000 ducados, y bajo la advocación de San Jorge, pero no ocupó el actual colegio hasta varios años después, cuando estuvo totalmente construido. Por eso, antes de su emplazamiento definitivo estuvo en lo que luego fue el colegio de Basilios, en la calle Colegios.

La finalidad del colegio fue ser un colegio-seminario universitario para la educación en Teología de estudiantes de Irlanda, Flandes y Holanda, siguiendo la práctica llevada a cabo en muchas universidades católicas de acoger estudiantes de países protestantes o bajo su influencia, con el requisito de volver a sus países tras sus estudios para difundir la fe católica en sus lugares de origen.

Hay que recordar que Irlanda pertenecía al Reino Unido, donde la religión oficial ya era el anglicanismo, y por ello los irlandeses, tradicionalmente católicos, sufrieron persecuciones religiosas en los siglos XVI y XVII, teniendo prohibido, incluso, estudiar su religión.

En España, y en la misma época, se fundó otro colegio de irlandeses en la universidad de Salamanca, y también había una hospedería en Madrid y más colegios similares, para ingleses y escoceses.

Aquí durmió el rey Fernando VII

Durante largas décadas fue un colegio de gran renombre en Irlanda, donde varios de los estudiantes llegaron a ser obispos en diócesis del país. Sin embargo, con el tiempo comenzó a pasar por penurias económicas, dado que las rentas procedían de los juros, algo similar a la actual deuda pública, y la inflación fue destruyendo los réditos.

Finalmente, el colegio fue integrado en el Patronato Real por Carlos III, pero éste, al expulsar a los jesuitas de España, refundió el colegio de Alcalá con el de los Escoceses de Madrid, en 1768. Pero al poco, en 1785,  deshizo esta unión y fusionó los dos colegios de Irlandeses en España, estableciendo el nuevo colegio resultante en la sede de Salamanca.

El colegio se cerró y además no estaba en muy buen estado. Una cornisa amenazaba caerse y se demolió la iglesia perteneciente al colegio, de forma que en 1795 se subastó y fue comprado por el conde de Güemes, que lo convirtió en un lujoso palacete como vivienda para él y su familia. Posteriormente pasó a ser propiedad del conde de Revillagigedo.

Esa categoría que le dieron sus nuevos propietarios fue tal que en una visita que realizó el rey Fernando VII en 1818 a Alcalá, durmió allí, ya que no estaba disponible el Palacio Arzobispal, que era la residencia real cuando visitaban la ciudad. Conmemorando tal visita, desde esa fecha y durante diecisiete años, sobre la portada hubo una cadena decorada, enganchada a unos clavos que todavía pueden verse.

Después, con el paso del tiempo, en el siglo XX se convirtió en casa de vecindad, y poco a poco cayó en el más completo abandono, de tal manera que en los años mil novecientos sesenta perdió las dos naves laterales que tenía e incluso tuvo algún derrumbamiento mientras se hacían obras de apuntalamiento en los pasados años ochenta.

Hoy: Alcalingua

Finalmente, el edificio se salvó y se restauró completamente a mediados de los años noventa, gracias a la intevención de la Fundación Colegio de los Irlandeses, creada por la universidad alcalaína y la embajada de Irlanda. A estos organismos se sumó más tarde el grupo Jefferson Smurfit de forma que el colegio actualmente es un centro de formación e intercambio entre estudiantes de diversas nacionalidades, Alcalingua, dedicado a la enseñanza del español a estudiantes extranjeros y a la formación de profesores de español.

El colegio y Alcalingua están encuadrados en la universidad de Alcalá, y hoy el edificio aunque completamente rehabilitado, mantiene sus tradicionales trazas barrocas, la fachada de siete balcones y ventanas decorados con frontones triangulares, la puerta con su parte superior en piedra, fruto de una reforma de 1676 y el claustro cerrado por una verja que da a la plaza de los Irlandeses. Para acceder a ella desde la fachada de la calle Escritorios se da la vuelta por un callejón que en el pasado se llamó del Peligro, al ser punto de duelos y riñas.

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Accesos desde Madrid

  • Renfe Cercanías C-1, C-2 y C7A.
  • Bus nº 223 (salidas desde el Intercambiador de Avenida de América).


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Colegio de los Irlandeses

Colegio de los Irlandeses is a wonderful example of the cosmopolitanism and relevance acquired by Alcalá de Henares with the opening of its university, especially among European Catholic countries.

The college—architectonical jewel of the square with the same name—undertook an important restoration in the 1990s. A beautiful enclave in the middle of the center—between calle Escritorios and calle Mayor—with two accesses to the college, one of them to corral de la Sinagoga.

San Patricio, San Jorje or los Irlandeses junior college—the three numbers it has or has had—was founded in 1630 by the priests Sean O’Neill and Teobaldo Estapletonio—clearly a Spanish adaptation of Stapleton—and closed in 1641, as the death of their founders leave the school with no money to support it.

For Students from Protestant Countries

It was re-launched little after thanks to the express desires of the Portuguese baron don Jorge de Paz Silveira, jailer of the fortress of Martos in Jaén, knight of Santiago and Cristo’s orders with lands and goods in Cuenca, who ruled as such in his testament. Once he deceased in 1645, his widow, Beatriz de Silveira, continued carrying out the project, choosing Alcalá for this purpose.

The college, founded in 1649 thanks to a found of 5000 ducats counted with twenty students and was dedicated San Jorge. The college did not take up its current land until several years after, when it was completely built up, before its definite emplacement in calle Colegios, afterwards known as Basilios’ college.

The aim of the school was to be a university seminar-school for Theology education of Irish, Flemmish and Dutch students, following the practice carried out in several Catholic universities of holding Protestant-country students under its influence—with the requirement of coming back to their countries after their studies to spread the Catholic faith in their native countries.

Remember that Ireland belonged to United Kingdom, where Anglicanism was already the official religion. Thus Irish, traditionally Catholics, suffered religious prosecutions in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, being banned, even, to study their religion.

At the same period in Spain, another Irish college was founded at university of Salamanca, as there was also hostelry in Madrid and other similar colleges, for English and Scottish.

Here the King Philip VII Slept

During long decades, the college got to be notable in Ireland, as several of the students reached the bishopric of their countries’ dioceses. However, as time went by, it started to pass through distressed circumstances, as incomings came from annuities—something similar to the current public debt—and inflation destroyed the interests.

Finally, the college was integrated with the Patronato Real by Charles III, but as he expelled Jewish from Spain, he combined Alcalá’s college with the Scottish one in Madrid, Spain, in 1768. A little afterwards, in 1785, such union was undid and the two Spanish Irish colleges were united, establishing the new college in Salamanca core.

The school was closed because of not being in good shape. A cornice was about to fall and the church belonging to the college demolished, so in 1795 it was auctioned and bought by Güemes earl, who turned it into a luxurious small palace for his and his family. Afterwards, it was property of Revillagigedo earl.

The category given by their new owners was such that in a visit made by King Philip VII in 1818 to Alcalá, he slept in there—the Archbishop’s Palace was not available anymore, royal residence when they visited the city. Commemorating such visit, since that date and during seventeen years, there was a decorated chain on top of the façade, hooked by nails that today continue in there.

Later on, as the time went by, in the twentieth century, it became humble condominiums, and little by little fell into disrepair, so in 1960s it lost the two side naves it had and even suffered some collapse while they did propping-up works in the eighties.

Today: Alcalingua

Finally, the building was saved and completely restored in the middle of the nineties, thanks to the intervention of Fundación Colegio de los Irlandeses, created by the University of Alcalá and Ireland embassy. It was later added to these organisms the group Jefferson Smurfit, so the current college is a training and exchange center between students of different nationalities, Alcalingua, dedicated to the teaching of Spanish as a second language and Spanish teachers training.

The college and Alcalingua are framed in the University of Alcalá. Though today the building is completely restored, but it keeps its traditional Barroque design, the façade of seven balconies and windows decorated with triangle pediments, the stone door on its upper part—result of the restoring made by 1676—and the cloister closed by a grille leading to plaza de los Irlandeses. To access it from calle Escritorios façade, turn back by an alley so-called in the past alley of Peril, for being point of duels and fights.

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Access from Madrid

  • Renfe Cercanías railroads C-1, C-2 and C7A.
  • Bus nº 223 (departure from Avenida de América Interchanger).


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Colegio de los Irlandeses

Este texto también está disponible en español

Colegio de los Irlandeses is a wonderful example of the cosmopolitanism and relevance acquired by Alcalá de Henares with the opening of its university, especially among European Catholic countries.

The college—architectonical jewel of the square with the same name—undertook an important restoration in the 1990s. A beautiful enclave in the middle of the center—between calle Escritorios and calle Mayor—with two accesses to the college, one of them to corral de la Sinagoga.

San Patricio, San Jorje or los Irlandeses junior college—the three numbers it has or has had—was founded in 1630 by the priests Sean O’Neill and Teobaldo Estapletonio—clearly a Spanish adaptation of Stapleton—and closed in 1641, as the death of their founders leave the school with no money to support it.

For Students from Protestant Countries

It was re-launched little after thanks to the express desires of the Portuguese baron don Jorge de Paz Silveira, jailer of the fortress of Martos in Jaén, knight of Santiago and Cristo’s orders with lands and goods in Cuenca, who ruled as such in his testament. Once he deceased in 1645, his widow, Beatriz de Silveira, continued carrying out the project, choosing Alcalá for this purpose.

The college, founded in 1649 thanks to a found of 5000 ducats counted with twenty students and was dedicated San Jorge. The college did not take up its current land until several years after, when it was completely built up, before its definite emplacement in calle Colegios, afterwards known as Basilios’ college.

The aim of the school was to be a university seminar-school for Theology education of Irish, Flemmish and Dutch students, following the practice carried out in several Catholic universities of holding Protestant-country students under its influence—with the requirement of coming back to their countries after their studies to spread the Catholic faith in their native countries.

Remember that Ireland belonged to United Kingdom, where Anglicanism was already the official religion. Thus Irish, traditionally Catholics, suffered religious prosecutions in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, being banned, even, to study their religion.

At the same period in Spain, another Irish college was founded at university of Salamanca, as there was also hostelry in Madrid and other similar colleges, for English and Scottish.

Here the King Philip VII Slept

During long decades, the college got to be notable in Ireland, as several of the students reached the bishopric of their countries’ dioceses. However, as time went by, it started to pass through distressed circumstances, as incomings came from annuities—something similar to the current public debt—and inflation destroyed the interests.

Finally, the college was integrated with the Patronato Real by Charles III, but as he expelled Jewish from Spain, he combined Alcalá’s college with the Scottish one in Madrid, Spain, in 1768. A little afterwards, in 1785, such union was undid and the two Spanish Irish colleges were united, establishing the new college in Salamanca core.

The school was closed because of not being in good shape. A cornice was about to fall and the church belonging to the college demolished, so in 1795 it was auctioned and bought by Güemes earl, who turned it into a luxurious small palace for his and his family. Afterwards, it was property of Revillagigedo earl.

The category given by their new owners was such that in a visit made by King Philip VII in 1818 to Alcalá, he slept in there—the Archbishop’s Palace was not available anymore, royal residence when they visited the city. Commemorating such visit, since that date and during seventeen years, there was a decorated chain on top of the façade, hooked by nails that today continue in there.

Later on, as the time went by, in the twentieth century, it became humble condominiums, and little by little fell into disrepair, so in 1960s it lost the two side naves it had and even suffered some collapse while they did propping-up works in the eighties.

Today: Alcalingua

Finally, the building was saved and completely restored in the middle of the nineties, thanks to the intervention of Fundación Colegio de los Irlandeses, created by the University of Alcalá and Ireland embassy. It was later added to these organisms the group Jefferson Smurfit, so the current college is a training and exchange center between students of different nationalities, Alcalingua, dedicated to the teaching of Spanish as a second language and Spanish teachers training.

The college and Alcalingua are framed in the University of Alcalá. Though today the building is completely restored, but it keeps its traditional Barroque design, the façade of seven balconies and windows decorated with triangle pediments, the stone door on its upper part—result of the restoring made by 1676—and the cloister closed by a grille leading to plaza de los Irlandeses. To access it from calle Escritorios façade, turn back by an alley so-called in the past alley of Peril, for being point of duels and fights.

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Access from Madrid

  • Renfe Cercanías railroads C-1, C-2 and C7A.
  • Bus nº 223 (departure from Avenida de América Interchanger).


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Concierto XV Aniversario de «Alcalá, Ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad»

Diana Navarro y la Banda Sinfónica Complutense
Diana Navarro y la Banda Sinfónica Complutense

Un concierto único de Diana Navarro con la Banda Sinfónica Complutense para celebrar el XV Aniversario de «Alcalá, Ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad».

El 2 de diciembre, el Teatro Salón Cervantes acogerá un concierto excepcional protagonizado por la reconocida artista Diana Navarro y la Banda Sinfónica Complutense, con temas de copla y zarzuela en el repertorio.

Las entradas están a la venta a través de los cauces habituales (taquilla del Teatro Salón Cervantes, www.telentrada.es y en el teléfono 902 101 212).

El alcalde complutense, Javier Bello, ha explicado que se trata de un «espectáculo único, creado expresamente para celebrar el XV Aniversario de la declaración de una ciudad única, Alcalá de Henares, como Ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad».


Diana Navarro y la Banda Sinfónica Complutense
Diana Navarro y la Banda Sinfónica Complutense

XV Anniversary Concert «Alcalá, World Heritage City»

Diana Navarro y la Banda Sinfónica Complutense
Diana Navarro y la Banda Sinfónica Complutense

A unique concert with Diana Navarro and the Complutense Symphonic Band to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of «Alcalá, Heritage City».

On December 2, the Teatro Salón Cervantes will host a special concert featuring the renowned artist Diana Navarro and the Complutense Symphonic Band, with copla and zarzuela (operetta) in the repertoire.

Tickets are on sale through the usual channels (Teatro Salón Cervantes box office, www.telentrada.es and on the phone 902 101 212).

Complutense Mayor, Javier Bello, explained that it is a «unique show, created specifically to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of the declaration of a unique city, Alcala de Henares, as a World Heritage Site.»

Diana Navarro y la Banda Sinfónica Complutense
Diana Navarro y la Banda Sinfónica Complutense

Feria de Repostería Monacal

Ven a disfrutar de la mejor repostería monacal en la plaza de Cervantes de Alcalá de Henares. Del 13 al 17 de noviembre Alcalá ofrece los dulces más tradicionales de la mano de las reposteras más «divinas».

Alcalá de Henares es conocida por su repostería monacal, y de hecho hay dulces cuya reputación traspasa nuestras fronteras. Este es el caso de las almendras garrapiñadas que puedes adquirir durante todo el año en el Convento de las Clarisas. Las monjas de Alcalá también producen otros exquisitos dulces como las rosquillas de Alcalá.

La tradición de las monjas de hacer dulces en los conventos, es muy antigua, pero últimamente se viene generalizando la venta de estos productos en muchos más conventos, que además y adaptándose a los tiempos modernos han pasado a complementar su venta en el convento, con la aceptación de pedidos a través de Internet.

Además se está poniendo de moda la celebración de ferias de productos de este tipo, a las que asisten una gran cantidad de conventos para presentar sus productos y así darlos a conocer y mejorar sus cifras de venta. De hecho, ya existen varias empresas dedicadas a la comercialización de productos artesanos elaborados en conventos.

Yemas de Salamanca, almendras garrapiñadas, avellanitos, sobaos pasiegos, paciencias o pestiños son una muestra de los productos de repostería monacal que se podrán ver en estos días. Dulces provenientes de diversos Monasterios y Órdenes de todo el territorio nacional, que han hecho una selección de sus mejores postres artesanos, algunos con recetas que datan del siglo XII.

Feria de Respostería Monacal

Los dulces típicos de las monjas

Suspiros de monja, yemas de Santa Teresa, tocinos de cielo, huesos de santo, glorias, corazones de obispo, orejas de fraile y teta de novicia entre otros son nombres típicos que nos indican la procedencia de estos productos. Pero no sólo estos componen la variada oferta de los conventos y tienen reconocida fama las almendras garrapiñadas, los alfajores, polvorones, mazapanes y otro sinfín de ellos, típicos de cada convento.

Si quieres conocer de cerca la oferta de estas maravillosas artesanas, acércate a la plaza de Cervantes del 13 al 17 de noviembre, en horario de 10 de la mañana a 10 de la noche.


Monacal Pastries Fair

Come and enjoy the best monacal pastries in the plaza de Cervantes of Alcalá de Henares. From 13 to 17 November Alcalá offers the most traditional sweets made by the most «divine» hands.

Alcala de Henares is well-known for its monacal pastries, and indeed there are sweets whose reputation goes beyond our borders. This is the case of Almonds of Alcalá you can acquire throughout the year at the Convento de las Clarisas. The nuns of Alcala also produce other delicious sweets such as Alcalá’s Ring-Shaped Pastries.

The tradition of nuns making pastries in convents is very old, but lately it has been spreaded the sale of these products in many of these monasteries, and also adapting to modern times they have come to supplement their sale in the convent with accepting orders over the Internet.

Also becoming popular is the product fairs of this kind, attended by a large number of convents to present their products and thus make them known and improve their sales figures. In fact, there are several companies engaged in the marketing of craft products made ​​in convents.

Salamanca yolks, almonds, avellanitos, sobaos pasiegos, paciencias or fritters are a sample of monastic baked goods that can be seen these days. Sweets from various monasteries and orders throughout the country, who have made a selection of the best homemade desserts, some with recipes dating back to the 12th century.

Monacal pastries Fair
Monacal pastries Fair

Typical home made pastries

Suspiros de monja, yemas de Santa Teresa, tocinos de cielo, huesos de santo, glorias, corazones de obispo, orejas de fraile y teta de novicia among others are typical names that indicate the origin of these products. But not only these make up the varied and convents are famous Almonds of Alcalá, alfajores, polvorones, marzipan and a host of them, typical of each convent.

If you want to learn about the range of these wonderful artisans, head to the plaza de Cervantes 13 to November 17, from 10 am to 10 pm.