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Burgo de Santiuste Intepretation Center

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Burgo de Santiuste is the mediaeval name of Alcalá de Henares. In the center of the city, you can go through a journey dedicated to its ten centuries of history, between the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 to the creation of Cisneros Cardinal university in 1499.

Burgo de Santiuste Intepretation Center was opened in March 2010, and covers the hole left by the museums of the city telling the history of Alcalá in its mediaeval period. It is placed in a nineteenth-century building next to the walled enclosure and the Archbishop’s Palace.

The Five Names of Alcalá

Burgo de Santiuste Intepretation Center has a base floor, a first one and a basement. In them, you can discover the past of Alcalá through an open space full of great panels with street maps, texts and photographs, several monitors with interactive videos, facsimile copies of important documents basics for the city’s history—such as Fuero Viejo [Old Priviledges]—and some original sculptures of great value.

Within the building, the unknown Alcalá’s history is showed. The construction, as the great majority of buildings present in the historical center of the city, dates back from sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and after. You will find information about post-Roman Alcalá, when the city was known as Complutum—as Visigoths continued calling it—, turning little by little into Campo Laudable.

Physically extended around the Magisterial Cathedral, the city was placed in the same land where it was Qal’at Abd al-Salam—meaning “The Castle of Peace”—, Muslim Alcalá, to become afterwards Burgo de Santiuste in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, after what its name was gradually consolidated as the current Alcalá de Henares.

110 Original Pieces

An interpretation center —clear denomination of such kind of museums—has the aim of connecting historical and artistic objects to transmit to help people to best comprehend the history described in the center. Burgo de Santiuste Intepretation Center is located in a very appropriate environment, next to what it was Campo Laudable, where currently are Magisterial Cathedral and calle Victoria, a few meters away from the Archbishop’s Palace, built in 1209 by the Archbishop Jiménez de Rada.

The building is in front of the walled enclosure and has 227 square meters. It has about 110 original pieces from different places of the very same city, besides two important sculptures and models representing the Puerta de Burgos, one of the mediaeval entries to the city—currently into the vegetable garden of Bernardas Convent—and a waterwheel. Several 3D reconstructions can be also contemplated and consulted in several interactive screens what the village of Alcalá was like in the time of Burgo de Santiuste, the town planning and its inhabitants’ lifestyle in the period in which the village had three neighborhoods with three religions: Christians, Jews and Muslims. A quite pacific cohabitation testified by Antezana’s Hospital—founded by the couple with the same name—, placed in calle Mayor, where it still, in front of one of the two synagogues, in the middle of the Jewish quarter.

A History in Three Floors

The Burgo de Santiuste Intepretation Center divides the route in three floors: the first visit is performed in the ground floor where the access is, then, you go up to the first floor and, finally, end the visit with the basement. In the ground floor, once the reception is passed, you can go back in time through Alcalá’s history, since prehistory to the beginning of the Christian era, the period from Romans to the eighth century and since then to nowadays, thanks to the three showcases. In this floor, you can also contemplate three interactive monitors in which different settlers of Alcalá are shown, from an aerial view, a summary of village and city history, and the ten most significant pieces of the Center.

The first floor holds the core of interpretation center, where to know the development of Burgo de Santiuste along Middle Ages. For that purpose, there are five didactic panels with four showcases containing representative objects, as well as audiovisual support. The panels show the following topics: “Middle Ages”, “Settlers: Campo Laudable. Fifth to eleventh centuries, Qal’at Abd al-Salam (The Old Alcalá). Eight to twelfth centuries and Burgo de Santiuste. Twelfth to fifteenth century”.

Showcases, texts and objects from that period describe what Visigoth Alcalá was and the lifestyle of the city in the limits between Christian Monarchs of Castilla y León and Toledo’s Crew—until it was finally conquered by the archbishop Bernardo de Sedirac in 1118. Their daily activity and lifestyle is also showed. Likely, you can see the evolution of Burgo de Santiuste as Christian village—developed under the protection of Toledo’s archbishops between twelfth and fifteenth century, when the fortress after turned into the Archbishop’s Palace was stood up—and the walled enclosure with its twenty towers almost totally able to visit today (see below image) with an additional enclosure surrounding and protecting the whole city, to plaza del Coso, current plaza de Cervantes.

Lámina de Anton Van der Wyngaerde - Año 1565 - Original en la Biblioteca Nacional de Viena
Anton Van der Wyngaerde Illustration– Year 1565 – Original into the Austrian National Library

Thus, you can contemplate the height of the Burgo, the building of the church of Santiuste, afterwards becoming Magisterial, its calle Mayor and its three neighborhood structure, Christian, Jewish and Muslim—an urban planning which, along with the expansion given by Cisneros Cardinal University, would originate today’s Alcalá.

Fueros and Papal Bull

The basement is the part of the museum where the route is over, centered thus at the end of Middle Ages and beginning of Renaissance, which preceded the birth of Modern Period. Audiovisual and interactive monitors will give you information about Fueros, the Old and the New—laws ruling the city—, the Papal Bull of Pope Alexander VI—authorizing Cisneros to create the University of Alcalá—, as well as many other important documents, such as the Polyglot Bible—which will help you to know in depth the background of the Center contain. In the hall where you finish your visit, admiring San Lucas and San Nicolás statues—from San Lucas Hospital, place in plaza de Atilano Casado. Those art pieces are chosen for closing visitor’s route, because they are the best model of the new historical period arrived to Alcalá de Henares.

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Useful information:

  • Address: Calle Cardenal Sandoval y Rojas, 3
  • Telephone: +34 91 877 17 50
  • Monday and Tuesday: Closed
  • Opening hours Wed-Sun: from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • Tickets: 1 €
  • Emailtear@complutum.com
  • Webwww.alcalavirtual.es


Access from Madrid

  • Renfe Cercanías railroads C-1, C-2 and C7A.
  • Bus nº 223 (departure from Avenida de América Interchanger).


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Prorrogadas las visitas teatralizadas al yacimiento arqueológico de Complutum

Prorrogadas las visitas teatralizadas al yacimiento arqueológico de Complutum, hasta el próximo 14 de diciembre. Las visitas guiadas recreadas se realizarán en dos pases los sábados, a las 11:30 y 12:30, son gratuitas y no requieren inscripción previa.

Así, hasta el 14 de diciembre de 2013, Cayo Annio y Terencia Antilia, esposos y ciudadanos romanos, seguirán acompañando al visitante por la ciudad en el relato Alcalá año 55 d.C, en el que explican su urbanismo, historia e incluso muestras cómo fabricaban piezas de artesanía.

En estos tres últimos enclaves, el sábado 26 de octubre es el último día para disfrutar de las visitas guiadas recreadas, que proponen al visitante participar en una experiencia única: adentrarse en el pasado a través de relatos que dan vida a romanos, visigodos y personajes de otras épocas.

La iniciativa, que aúna lo lúdico con lo educativo, tiene como objetivo dar un impulso a estos enclaves, que son elementos dinamizadores culturales y económicos de las zonas donde se encuentran. Y, a la vez, transmitir al mayor número de visitantes el importante legado histórico que ha propiciado el estudio de estos yacimientos, utilizando para ello, técnicas teatrales o dramáticas.

Diez años del Plan de Yacimientos Visitables

Con estas actividades se celebran los diez años del Plan de Yacimientos Visitables de la Comunidad de Madrid de los que forman parte lugares como la necrópolis visigoda de Remedios, en Colmenar Viejo; el torreón medieval de Arroyomolinos; la iglesia mudéjar y la necrópolis de la Mezquita, en Cadalso de los Vidrios; el Antiquarium y el paseo arqueológico del Palacio Arzobispal, en Alcalá de Henares; los fortines de la Guerra civil, en Colmenar de Arroyo; y la Fuente de los Caños del Peral en la estación de Metro Opera, en Madrid.

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Parador de Turismo de Alcalá de Henares

Conoce el Parador de Turismo de Alcalá de Henares, uno de los mejores de España. Si quieres comer o dormir en uno de los más espectaculares edificios de Alcalá, no busques más. Descubre los secretos de este edificio.

El Parador de Turismo de Alcalá de Henares se inauguró a finales de 2008 en la calle Colegios, frente a  la Hostería del Estudiante y a un paso de la plaza de Cervantes. Ocupa lo que fue el colegio-convento dominico de Santo Tomás de los Ángeles primero y Santo Tomás de Aquino después, y los terrenos de los antiguos colegios adyacentes de los mercedarios y de los caballeros Manriques que en el siglo XIX habían sido demolidos o estaban en ruina.

Todo el terreno, inmenso, en  total tiene 30.000 metros cuadrados, y el nuevo complejo ha incluido de forma armoniosa y sin chirridos a las antiguas construcciones, lo que le ha hecho merecedor de varios e importantes premios, y  como proyecto de intervención en el patrimonio histórico ha estado expuesto en el famoso MOMA, el Museo de Arte Moderno, de Nueva York.

El colegio de los dominicos

El núcleo del actual Parador es el colegio-convento de dominicos de santo Tomás de Aquino, fundado en Alcalá por el deán de la catedral de Toledo Carlos de Mendoza, que en 1529 compró unas casas en la actual calle del Empecinado y llevó el nombre de santo Tomás de los Ángeles. Más tarde, en 1604 se abrió el colegio, adscrito a la universidad fundada por el cardenal Cisneros, en lo que fue su emplazamiento definitivo en la calle Colegios, en un solar donado por el arzobispo de Toledo García de Loaysa, y adquiriendo su nombre de santo Tomás de Aquino.

Este colegio menor constaba de una iglesia y un claustro lateral, en torno al cual estaban las dependencias de los frailes. La iglesia tiene dos puertas que se conservan, una a la calle colegios, encima de la cual puedes ver una imagen de santo Tomás de Aquino, y la que da a la calle con la que hace esquina y que lleva el nombre del santo, que se ha conservado como ventana, tal como lo fue durante décadas antes de la reciente transformación.

Todo el edificio se levantó con una gran austeridad de líneas y materiales, de ladrillo con un zócalo de piedra, y muy sencillo y sobrio también en su interior. Lo que sobresalía más de esta concepción clasicista era la gran escalera interior, denominada imperial, que unía las dos plantas del colegio con la sacristía de la iglesia. Se ha conservado en su tamaño y en su localización tradicional, revestida de un moderno estilo decorativo, con una lámpara, que es la más grande del mundo en su género, en su bóveda.

La cárcel de El Lute y Juan March

El colegio-convento de santo Tomás de Aquino, al igual que los de la Merced y de los Manriques, sufrió gran deterioro durante la guerra de la Independencia, a principio del siglo XIX, y en los años posteriores los segundos fueron convertidos en cuarteles de Artillería, de la Guardia Real y de Caballería. Después de la desamortización de 1836, el colegio de santo Tomás también se convirtió en cuartel de este último arma, y llegó a albergar unos 100-150 hombres y 231 caballos.

Y como destino definitivo, el colegio se convirtió en cárcel de hombres a partir de 1852, destinada a tener 500 presos pero que llegó a tener el doble. Como cárcel estuvo funcionando hasta 1990, cuando se cerró debido a los desperfectos ocasionados por un incendio, entrando en una decadencia de la que no se ha recuperado hasta veinte años después, con la construcción del Parador.

Como cárcel fue famosa tanto durante la guerra civil, como en los años posteriores, pues en sus celdas estuvieron encerrados banqueros como Juan March, presos comunes tan famosos como El Lute, en los pasados años sesenta, e innumerables presos políticos durante el régimen del general Franco.

La nueva vida del colegio

En  julio de 2009, tras grandes trabajos de restauración y nueva construcción, a partir de la iglesia y el colegio-convento de santo Tomás de Aquino, más los terrenos de los colegios de los mercedarios y de los caballeros Manriques, se inauguró el nuevo Parador de Turismo de Alcalá, el segundo más grande de España, tras el de León.

El nuevo parador ocupa un total de 30.000 metros cuadrados, tiene 128 habitaciones, 1.000 metros cuadrados de salas de convenciones y cerca de 9.000 de jardines. Se han mantenido, tal como dictan las normas de respeto al patrimonio histórico, los edificios del colegio que estaban en pie, restaurándolos de la ruina que poco a poco les iba alcanzando, y construyendo otros nuevos destinados a instalación hotelera de primer orden.

Los arquitectos han respetado la altura del muro que rodeaba todo el terreno, de manera que las nuevas edificaciones no se ven a simple vista, pues se han construido por debajo de esa altura y en una planta bajo tierra. Sin embargo, gozan de la luz natural como si se elevasen gracias a una solución imaginativa que consiste en lo que han llamado “el jardín tallado”, es decir, a nivel de la altura de la valla perimetral y sumando una planta más en el subsuelo, se ha planificado un gran jardín sobre el techo de esas habitaciones.

En ese jardín horizontal están distribuidos numerosos patios en forma de cruz que se hunden en su superficie y contienen árboles y plantas, de manera que las habitaciones disfrutan de mucha luz, del verdor y frescor de un jardín interior y de la privacidad más completa que puedan desear los huéspedes.

Las partes nuevas se funden con las antiguas de forma armoniosa, pues unen el cristal y el acero de las primeras con la piedra y el ladrillo de las segundas gracias a un mismo estilo de líneas rectas,  austeras y sobrias, de colores que huyen de la estridencia, y usando con profusión la madera en las zonas donde unas y otras se juntan.

Spa en la sacristía

Los nuevos usos de los edificios han hecho que ahora una parte de la nave de la iglesia sea la biblioteca y sala de estar del parador, que a la cafetería se acceda desde la calle por la puerta principal que da a la calle Colegios, con la hornacina que contiene la imagen de santo Tomás sobre ella, o que la sala de cuidados termales, el spa, se ubique en lo que antaño fue la sacristía, y después despachos penitenciarios durante el siglo que fue prisión.

De igual manera, muchas habitaciones son las antiguas celdas carcelarias, ahora irreconocibles en su lujoso aspecto, y el edificio de los talleres penitenciarios en la actualidad acoge los salones de convenciones y congresos.

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Desde Madrid

  • Tren cercanías Líneas C-1, C-2 y C7A.
  • Autobús 223 (salidas desde Intercambiador de Avenida de América).


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Parador de Turismo of Alcalá de Henares

The stunning Parador de Turismo of Alcalá de Henares is the old Tomas de Aquino’s or Angels’ school. Discover the secrets of this building.

The Parador of Alcalá was opened at the end of 2008 on calle Colegios, in front of Hostería del Estudiante and of an access to plaza de Cervantes. It occupies the complete convent-school of Santo Tomás Dominicans—previously named los Ángeles and after renamed Aquino —and the lands of the old adjacent schools of Mercedarian and Manriques’ knights—which was demolished or in ruins by nineteenth century.

The complex is immense and covers a total of 30,000 square meters. Today’s whole includes new buildings totally integrated with the old ones through harmonious shapes. Such unification leaded to the winning of several and important prizes, as that of intervention in historical heritage project exposed by the famous MOMA—Museum of Modern Art—of New York.

Dominicans School

The core of the current Parador is the convent-school of Santo Tomás de Aquino Dominicans, founded in Alcalá by the dean of the Cathedral of Toledo, Carlos de Mendoza—who in 1529 bought some houses in the nowadays calle del Empecinado, now renamed Santo Tomás de los Ángeles. Later on, in 1608, the school was opened as a part of the university founded by Cisneros Cardinal, in its final emplacement in calle Colegios, in a piece of land donated by Toledo’s archbishop García de Loaysa, and acquiring the name of Santo Tomás de Aquino.

This small Residence Hall had a church and a side cloister around which monks rooms were placed. The church has two doors remaining, one to calle Colegios—on top of which you can see an image of Santo Tomás de Aquino—, and a second one leading to the corner of calle Santo Tomás de Aquino, which has been preserved as a window, as it was during the decades before the building restoring.

The whole building was constructed with sober style and materials, made of bricks with a stone baseboard, very simple and also simple in its interior. Which stands out from this classist conception was the great interior stairs, denominated imperial, linking the two floors of the school with the church sacristy. Its size and traditional location have been preserved, covered with a modern decorative style, with a lamp in its dome, the biggest in the world of its genre.

Lute’s and Juan March’s Jail

The convent-school of Santo Tomás de Aquino, as well as Merced and Manrique schools, suffered a great deterioration during War of Independence , at the beginning of nineteenth century. In the following years, the subsequent schools were turned into Artillery, Royal Guard and Chivalry headquarters. After the ecclesiastical confiscation of 1836, Santo Tomás school was also turned into headquarters of the latter, and held up to 100-150 men and 231 horses.

As a final destiny, the school became male prison since 1852, where 500 prisoners should have been guarded, but where the double number was reached. The prison worked until 1990, when it was closed due to the damages caused by a fire, falling into a decline from which it did not recover for twenty years, when the Parador was reconstructed.

The prison was famous during both the Civil War and the subsequent years, so its cells were full of notable people locked up such as Juan March, the banker, or El Lute, a famous common thief from the seventies, as well as uncountable political prisoners of Franco’s dictatorship.

The School New Life

In July 2009, three great restoring works and new construction—based on the church and Santo Tomás de Aquino convent-school and the additional lands from Mercedarian and Manriques knights’ schools—leaded to the opening of the new Parador de Turismo de Alcalá, the second biggest one of Spain, after that of León’s.

The new Parador takes up a total of 30,000 square meters, has 128 rooms, 1,000 square meters of convention halls and near 9,000 of gardens. There have been maintained, as dictated by rules for the protection of historical heritage, the buildings of the school that still stand, restoring them little by little from their collapse, and building up new ones allocated to luxury hotel facilities.

Architects respected the height of the wall surrounding enclosure; as new buildings have been built under walls height with an underground floor, they are not to the naked eye from the outside. However, they enjoy natural light thanks to an imaginative solution: the so-called “sculpted garden”. At the same level of the perimeter walls and adding a lower floor, architects planned a garden upon the ceiling of basement rooms.

That horizontal garden is distributed among many gardens cross-shaped caved in the land with trees and plants, so rooms have plenty of light, and the greenness and fresh of an interior garden with all privacy guests can wish.

New parts merge with the old ones harmoniously, so the glass and steel of the former and the rock and bricks of the latter have the same straight line style, simple and sober, avoiding loud colors and widely using wood in zones where ones and others join.

A Spa into the Sacristy

New buildings uses have forced church naves to be allocated as library and sitting room, with an access to the cafeteria from the main door exit to calle Colegios—where there is a vaulted niche with the image of Santo Tomás upon it—or the old sacristy and penitentiary desks—of what it was a prison for a year—to be turned into a spa or thermal care stay.

In the same way, many rooms were old prison cells, unrecognizable now with their luxurious look, and current convention and congress halls were placed where workshops of the prison used to be.

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Access from Madrid

  • Renfe Cercanías railroads C-1, C-2 and C7A.
  • Bus nº 223 (departure from Avenida de América Interchanger).


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[gdl_gallery title=»parador-de-alcala-de-henares» width=»120″ height=»95″]

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Parador de Turismo of Alcalá de Henares

Este texto también está disponible en español

The stunning Parador de Turismo of Alcalá de Henares is the old Tomas de Aquino’s or Angels’ school. Discover the secrets of this building.

The Parador of Alcalá was opened at the end of 2008 on calle Colegios, in front of Hostería del Estudiante and of an access to plaza de Cervantes. It occupies the complete convent-school of Santo Tomás Dominicans—previously named los Ángeles and after renamed Aquino —and the lands of the old adjacent schools of Mercedarian and Manriques’ knights—which was demolished or in ruins by nineteenth century.

The complex is immense and covers a total of 30,000 square meters. Today’s whole includes new buildings totally integrated with the old ones through harmonious shapes. Such unification leaded to the winning of several and important prizes, as that of intervention in historical heritage project exposed by the famous MOMA—Museum of Modern Art—of New York.

Dominicans School

The core of the current Parador is the convent-school of Santo Tomás de Aquino Dominicans, founded in Alcalá by the dean of the Cathedral of Toledo, Carlos de Mendoza—who in 1529 bought some houses in the nowadays calle del Empecinado, now renamed Santo Tomás de los Ángeles. Later on, in 1608, the school was opened as a part of the university founded by Cisneros Cardinal, in its final emplacement in calle Colegios, in a piece of land donated by Toledo’s archbishop García de Loaysa, and acquiring the name of Santo Tomás de Aquino.

This small Residence Hall had a church and a side cloister around which monks rooms were placed. The church has two doors remaining, one to calle Colegios—on top of which you can see an image of Santo Tomás de Aquino—, and a second one leading to the corner of calle Santo Tomás de Aquino, which has been preserved as a window, as it was during the decades before the building restoring.

The whole building was constructed with sober style and materials, made of bricks with a stone baseboard, very simple and also simple in its interior. Which stands out from this classist conception was the great interior stairs, denominated imperial, linking the two floors of the school with the church sacristy. Its size and traditional location have been preserved, covered with a modern decorative style, with a lamp in its dome, the biggest in the world of its genre.

Lute’s and Juan March’s Jail

The convent-school of Santo Tomás de Aquino, as well as Merced and Manrique schools, suffered a great deterioration during War of Independence , at the beginning of nineteenth century. In the following years, the subsequent schools were turned into Artillery, Royal Guard and Chivalry headquarters. After the ecclesiastical confiscation of 1836, Santo Tomás school was also turned into headquarters of the latter, and held up to 100-150 men and 231 horses.

As a final destiny, the school became male prison since 1852, where 500 prisoners should have been guarded, but where the double number was reached. The prison worked until 1990, when it was closed due to the damages caused by a fire, falling into a decline from which it did not recover for twenty years, when the Parador was reconstructed.

The prison was famous during both the Civil War and the subsequent years, so its cells were full of notable people locked up such as Juan March, the banker, or El Lute, a famous common thief from the seventies, as well as uncountable political prisoners of Franco’s dictatorship.

The School New Life

In July 2009, three great restoring works and new construction—based on the church and Santo Tomás de Aquino convent-school and the additional lands from Mercedarian and Manriques knights’ schools—leaded to the opening of the new Parador de Turismo de Alcalá, the second biggest one of Spain, after that of León’s.

The new Parador takes up a total of 30,000 square meters, has 128 rooms, 1,000 square meters of convention halls and near 9,000 of gardens. There have been maintained, as dictated by rules for the protection of historical heritage, the buildings of the school that still stand, restoring them little by little from their collapse, and building up new ones allocated to luxury hotel facilities.

Architects respected the height of the wall surrounding enclosure; as new buildings have been built under walls height with an underground floor, they are not to the naked eye from the outside. However, they enjoy natural light thanks to an imaginative solution: the so-called “sculpted garden”. At the same level of the perimeter walls and adding a lower floor, architects planned a garden upon the ceiling of basement rooms.

That horizontal garden is distributed among many gardens cross-shaped caved in the land with trees and plants, so rooms have plenty of light, and the greenness and fresh of an interior garden with all privacy guests can wish.

New parts merge with the old ones harmoniously, so the glass and steel of the former and the rock and bricks of the latter have the same straight line style, simple and sober, avoiding loud colors and widely using wood in zones where ones and others join.

A Spa into the Sacristy

New buildings uses have forced church naves to be allocated as library and sitting room, with an access to the cafeteria from the main door exit to calle Colegios—where there is a vaulted niche with the image of Santo Tomás upon it—or the old sacristy and penitentiary desks—of what it was a prison for a year—to be turned into a spa or thermal care stay.

In the same way, many rooms were old prison cells, unrecognizable now with their luxurious look, and current convention and congress halls were placed where workshops of the prison used to be.

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Access from Madrid

  • Renfe Cercanías railroads C-1, C-2 and C7A.
  • Bus nº 223 (departure from Avenida de América Interchanger).


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La dieta mediterránea, la paella y el cocido

Paella mixta

La dieta mediterránea es conocida por ser una de las más sanas y equilibradas del mundo, y aunque su nombre remite al litoral mediterráneo es común a casi todo el territorio de la Península Ibérica. Además de la dieta mediterránea, en España tenemos algunos platos típicos conocidos en todo el mundo, entre los cuales destaca la paella y el cocido.

La dieta mediterránea

La dieta mediterránea engloba, como su propio nombre indica, una serie de patrones alimenticios comunes a los países de la zona del mediterráneo, especialmente España, Italia, Grecia, Marruecos y el sur de Francia. Su importancia cultural y social es tal que en 2010 fue incluida en la Lista representativa del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad.

A efectos prácticos, la dieta mediterránea no es una doctrina, no está escrita en ninguna parte ni hay una serie de reglas sobre lo que se puede y no se pude comer. Es decir, se trata de una serie de costumbres y pautas, no de un régimen estricto. Las pautas básicas incluyen el uso de aceite de oliva, alimentos de origen vegetal en abundancia (fruta, verdura, legumbres, cereales, etc.), productos lácteos y pescado. La carne y los huevos también forman parte de la dieta mediterránea, pero se recomienda que se consuman con moderación. En lo que se refiere a las bebidas, se aconseja sobre todo el agua y un poco de vino durante las comidas.

La clave de la dieta mediterránea es que se basa principalmente en alimentos frescos, o poco procesados, y de temporada, por lo que es tan recomendable a efectos de salud como medioambientales. Sus beneficios están ampliamente comprobados a nivel científico, existen estudios que demuestran que reduce el riesgo de sufrir obesidad, diabetes, enfermedades cardiovasculares y deterioros cognitivos, entre otros muchos trastornos.

La paella

Si te preguntan por platos típicamente españoles, seguro que se te ocurren unos cuantos, desde el gazpacho a la fabada, pero ninguno de ellos es tan famoso como la paella.

En realidad, la paella no es un plato típico español, sino de la Comunidad Valenciana, pero es tan popular que se prepara y se consume en toda España, tanto en las cafeterías y restaurantes como en casa. Es difícil saber a qué se debe su gran popularidad, pero es probable que tenga mucho que ver con que es una receta económica y sencilla que admite decenas de variantes.

De todas formas, que existan muchas de recetas de paella no significa que todas sean paellas en el sentido tradicional de la palabra. Para que un arroz sea considerado una paella valenciana, tiene que cumplir una serie de reglas. Lo cierto es que lo que venden en muchos restaurantes y cafeterías no es paella valenciana, sino copias y derivados que a veces no tienen mucho que ver. Una paella valenciana tradicional debe incluir arroz, pollo, conejo, ferraura (una variedad de judía), garrofón (otra variedad de judía), tomate, aceite de oliva, azafrán, ajo y sal. Otros ingredientes habituales son diversos tipos de carne, marisco, pescado o incluso caracoles.

Por otro lado, la paella se debe cocinar en una paellera, que no es más que un recipiente metálico similar a una sartén, pero con dos asas en lugar de mango. Un arroz hecho en cualquier otro tipo de recipiente no debe ser llamado paella. Aunque actualmente es bastante habitual hacer la paella en una cocina moderna, tradicionalmente se hacía sobre un fuego de leña, una costumbre que se sigue manteniendo en algunos lugares.

El cocido madrileño

Aunque en Alcalá puedes comer excelentes paellas, realmente no es un plato típico de esta región. En la zona de Madrid, los platos típicos son más contundentes, sobre todo debido a que en invierno hace mucho más frío que en el litoral mediterráneo. Con temperaturas que pueden llegar a varios grados bajo cero, el cuerpo necesita algo más rotundo, como el cocido madrileño.

El cocido es un plato que se come en toda España, pero la variante más conocida de todas es el cocido madrileño. A grandes rasgos, el cocido es un guiso que suele incluir carne, embutidos, verduras y legumbres. El cocido madrileño, es el plato más representativo de la zona de Madrid, y consta principalmente de garbanzos, verdura, carne, embutidos y tocino de cerdo.

El cocido es, igual que la paella, un plato de origen humilde, barato y fácil de hacer. Normalmente, se come como plato único, y generalmente solo durante los meses en los que hace más frío. De todas formas, aunque se come como plato único, no se come todo al mismo tiempo. Tradicionalmente se comía en tres «vuelcos» o partes: primero el caldo de la cocción, luego los garbanzos con las verduras y las patatas y en tercer lugar la carne. Actualmente, es más habitual comer el caldo en forma de sopa como primer plato y los garbanzos, la verdura y la carne como segundo plato.

Como el cocido es un plato que incluye muchos ingredientes y que se suele hacer para al menos media docena de comensales, es habitual aprovechar las sobras para hacer otros platos, como ropa vieja o croquetas.

Tanto el cocido como la paella, y otros platos típicos españoles, se suelen encontrar en prácticamente cualquier restaurante, pero siempre es más recomendable ir a un restaurante casero que a los típicos establecimientos para turistas. Si quieres un buen cocido madrileño en Alcalá, te recomendamos por ejemplo el Restaurante Miguel de Cervantes (unos 30€ por persona) o a pocos metros El Bedel II (unos 25€ por persona).

A continuación puedes observar un folleto (también disponible en PDF) de los restaurantes con Cocido Madrileño en Alcalá de Henares.


Mediterranean Diet, Paella and Cocido

Paella mixta

Mediterranean diet is known for being one of the healthiest and most balanced of the world. And Paella and Cocido are its most international famous dishes.

Mediterranean diet is known for being one of the healthiest and most balanced of the world, and though its name refers to the Mediterranean coast, this is a common denomination for almost the whole Iberian Peninsula. Besides having Mediterranean diet, in Spain there are some typical dishes worldwide known, overall paella and cocido.

The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet includes, as its own name says, a series of food patterns shared by all countries of the Mediterranean zone, especially Spain, Italy, Greece, Morocco and Southern France. Its cultural and social importance is such that it was included in 2010 into the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

For all practical purposes, Mediterranean diet is not a doctrine—it is not written anywhere or rules in which what can or cannot be eaten are found. It means, this diet is no more than a series of customs and guidelines, not an strict set of rules. Among its basic guidelines, there are the usage of olive oil and the consumption of a great quantity of food with vegetable origin—fruit, vegetables, legumes, cereals, and so on—, milk products and fish. Meat and eggs are also included into the Mediterranean diet, but it is recommended to moderate their quantity. Referring to drinks, the general advice is to drink water and a little of wine during the meals.

The key of Mediterranean diet is the great role of fresh food and seasonal food instead of processed food, and that is why it is so recommendable in terms of health and environment caring. Their benefits are highly proved scientifically, there are researches which demonstrate it reduces the risk of suffering obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cognitive damages, among many other disorders.

The Paella

If someone ask you about typical Spanish dishes, it is sure many names would came up in your mind, since gazpacho to fabada, but none of them as famous as paella.

However, paella is not actually a typical dish from Spain, but from Valencian Community. Nevertheless, it has become so typical that it is prepared and eaten all over Spain, both in cafeterias and restaurants and at home. It is difficult to know what is such popularity came from, but it is probable it is related with money—a very economic recipe—and simplicity—that allows to introduce countless alternatives.

Anyway, even though there are innumerable recipes of paella, non all of them are paellas in the traditional sense of the term. To consider a rice dish to be a Valencian paella, it must fulfill a series of rules. It is true not all dishes sold in many restaurants as paellas are really Valencian paellas, but copies and by-products sometimes not really close to the original one. Valencian paella traditionally contains rice, chicken, rabbit, ferraura—a especial kind of bean—, tomato, olive oil, saffron, garlic and salt. Other common ingredients are different types of meat, seafood, fish or even snails.

Besides, Paella is made in a «paellera»—which is just a metal recipient similar to a pan, with two handles instead of one. Rice made in any other kind of recipient should not be called paella. Although currently it is pretty usual to cook paella in a modern cooker, traditionally, it was made with firewood, a costume that still alive in some places.

Cocido Madrileño (Madrilenian stew)

Though in Alcalá you can eat excellent paellas, such dish is not really a typical from this area. Madrid’s surroundings have heavier dishes, mainly due to its cold winter, much colder than along Mediterranean coast. With temperatures reaching several degrees below zero, body needs more satiating food, such as cocido madrileño.

Cocido is a dish eaten all over Spain, tough the most known variety is cocido madrileño. In broad strokes, cocido is a stew including meat, cold meat, vegetables and legumes. Cocido madrileño, the most representative of the area of Madrid, counts basically with chickpeas, vegetables, meat, cold meat and bacon.

Cocido is, as well as paella, a dish with humble origins, cheap and easy to prepare. Normally, it is eaten as main an only dish, and generally it is consumed only during cold weather months. Anyway, although it is an only dish, not every element is taken at the same time. Traditionally, cocido was eaten in three “flights” or stages: soup from cooking comes first, followed by vegetables and potatoes, and finally ended with meat. Nowadays, it is more usual to take soup as first dish along with chickpeas, and meat with vegetables as second one.

As cocido includes many ingredients and it is commonly prepared for at least half dozen people, leftovers are often used to prepare other dishes such as “old clothes” or croquettes.

Cocido and paella, as well as other typical Spanish dishes, can be founded in practically all restaurants, but it is always advisable to go to a traditional homemade food restaurant than to typical touristic establishments. If you really want to taste a proper Cocido madrileño in Alcalá, we recommend you for example the Restaurante Miguel de Cervantes (about 30€ per person) or, a few meters away, El Bedel II (about 25€ per person).

Next, you can observe a brochure (also available in PDF) of restaurants offering Madrid’s Cocido in Alcalá de Henares.


Instituto Franklin – UAH

Academic Programs

Since the beginning of Instituto Franklin – UAH, and as part of its Mission, we have developed and effectively run numerous Academic Programs, ranging from the Doctoral Program in American Studies to training programs for teachers.

We have a long tradition, since 1987, as a specialized Institute for undergraduate and graduate academic programs related to North America.


Teach & Learn in Spain Study Program

The objective of the Teach & Learn in Spain Study Program is to offer native English speaking students the opportunity of spending a whole academic year in Spain, studying a Master´s Degree at the Universidad de Alcalá, while doing an internship as language assistants in schools of the region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid).

Students get full free tuition for the MA Degree, a stipend for the internship and medical insurance.

Participants can choose from one of the following Masters’ Degrees:

  • Our Teach & Learn Masters are accredited by the Estudios Propios Office at the Universidad de Alcalá.
  • The Universidad de Alcalá is a public university recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Education. Under this program, students will get ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits.
  • Participants are considered students of the Universidad de Alcalá with the same privileges, rights, and obligations and have access to UAH facilities and services.


Students must complete:

Master of Bilingual and Multicultural Education
Master of International Education
32 ECTS credits 18 ECST credits 10 ECTS credits
Master en Aprendizaje y Enseñanza del Español como  Lengua Extranjera 35 ECTS credits 15 ECST credits 10 ECTS credits

Additional information:


Instituto Franklin – UAH

Programas Académicos

Desde sus inicios y como parte prioritaria de la Misión del Instituto Franklin – UAH, venimos desarrollando y poniendo en marcha diferentes programas  académicos que van desde el Doctorado en Estudios Norteamericanos hasta los programas de formación del profesorado.

Una larga tradición nos avala desde el año 1987, en el que venimos creando como centro pionero, distintos programas que nos consolidan como especialistas en programas de grado y postgrado relacionados con Norteamérica.


Teach & Learn in Spain Study Program

The objective of the Teach & Learn in Spain Study Program is to offer native English speaking students the opportunity of spending a whole academic year in Spain, studying a Master´s Degree at the Universidad de Alcalá, while doing an internship as language assistants in schools of the region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid).

Students get full free tuition for the MA Degree, a stipend for the internship and medical insurance.

Participants can choose from one of the following Masters’ Degrees:

  • Our Teach & Learn Masters are accredited by the Estudios Propios Office at the Universidad de Alcalá.
  • The Universidad de Alcalá is a public university recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Education. Under this program, students will get ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits.
  • Participants are considered students of the Universidad de Alcalá with the same privileges, rights, and obligations and have access to UAH facilities and services.


Students must complete:

Master of Bilingual and Multicultural Education
Master of International Education
32 ECTS credits 18 ECST credits 10 ECTS credits
Master en Aprendizaje y Enseñanza del Español como  Lengua Extranjera 35 ECTS credits 15 ECST credits 10 ECTS credits

Additional information:

‘La Mesa de los Trucos de Cervantes’ Exhibition, Extended

‘La mesa de los trucos de Cervantes’ exhibition can be visited at the Cervantes Birthplace Museum, in Calle Mayor 48, Alcalá de Henares, from Tuesday to Sunday from 10-18 hours, until April 27, 2014. Free entry.

The Cervantes Birthplace Museum is extending the temporary exhibition ‘La mesa de los trucos de Cervantes’. 400 years of the Exemplary Novels. Visited by about 65,000 people, this exhibition allows visitors to see the famous novels of Cervantes and its various editions over four centuries.

The exhibition shows twelve short novels, twelve Cervantes texts of which «you can get some helpful example» as specified by Cervantes. Exposed editions come both from the museum’s own collections and from other collections in the region.

It exhibits a total of 28 editions of these twelve short novels (El licenciado vidriera, La gitanilla, El coloquio de los perros y Rinconete y Cortadillo…), printed in cities like Pamplona, Venice or Antwerp, alongside full works of Cervantes containing these novels.

You can visit the Cervantes Birthplace Museum in Calle Mayor 48, Alcalá de Henares, from Tuesday to Sunday from 10-18 hours, until April 27, 2014. Free entry.

Additional information:


Alcalow Cost – 8, 9 y 10 de noviembre

Alcalowcost 3013
Alcalowcost 3013

Los días 8, 9 y 10 de noviembre tendrá lugar la tercera edición de Alcalow Cost, una campaña de promoción de la ciudad complutense, Patrimonio de la Humanidad.

El objetivo es que alcalaínos y visitantes disfruten de la Ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad con los mejores precios en grandes ofertas que incluyen desde hoteles, restauración, deportes, moda, ocio, decoración, y un largo etc. de opciones. La combinación cultura, turismo y comercio es un atractivo interesante, que además aporta importantes beneficios a Alcalá de Henares.

Promovida por el Ayuntamiento de Alcalá de Henares, Alcalow Cost cuenta con la participación y el respaldo de instituciones y entidades como la Universidad de Alcalá, el Pacto Local por el Desarrollo y el Empleo, y la delegación de la Cámara de Comercio.

La segunda campaña Alcalow Cost, celebrada hace un año –también coincidiendo con la festividad de la Almudena-, contó con la participación de 400 establecimientos comerciales, turísticos y hosteleros de la ciudad complutense, duplicando los inscritos en la primera edición; todos destacaron la gran afluencia de consumidores, hasta el punto de que las ventas se incrementaron entre un 20% y un 35%.

Descubre cómo llegar, establecimientos adheridos y mucho más aquí.

Más información:


Alcalow Cost – November 8, 9 and 10

Alcalowcost 3013
Alcalowcost 3013

On November 8, 9 and 10 will be held the third edition of Alcalow Cost, a promotional campaign about commerce in Alcalá de Henares, World Heritage City.

The aim is that visitors to Alcala and citizens of this World Heritage City enjoy the best prices on great deals ranging from hotels, restaurants, sports, fashion, entertainment, decor, and much more. The combination of culture, tourism and commerce is an interesting attraction, which also brings significant benefits to Alcalá de Henares.

Promoted by the city of Alcalá de Henares, Alcalow Cost includes the participation and support of institutions and entities such as the University of Alcalá, the Local Agreement for the Development and Employment, and the Chamber of Commerce delegation.

Alcalow Cost’s second campaign, held a year ago -coinciding with the local feast of Almudena in Madrid-  was attended by 400 business, tourist and hotel establishments in the complutense city, doubling those enrolled in the first edition. All of them emphasized the great affluent of consumers, to the point where sales increased by 20 %-35%.

Additional information:



Alcalá, destino preferente de los estudiantes chinos

En la actualidad, cerca de 6.000 estudiantes de esta nacionalidad se encuentran matriculados en Universidades españolas, y el Gobierno español aspira a doblar esa cifra en unos años.

El 60% de estos universitarios cursa estudios relacionados con el idioma español, y se concentra en universidades como la Complutense de Madrid, Alcalá de Henares y Granada.

España es «un destino excelente tanto para estudios español como de grado, máster y doctorado«, declaró el ministro de Educación español, José Ignacio Wert. «Animo a los estudiantes chinos los que estén interesados en la lengua y la cultura española, y en general a estudiar cualquier otra cosa en España, a que se informen en esta feria y consideren España como destino», agregó el ministro.

Eliminar trabas burocráticas

Durante su visita a Pekín, iniciada el pasado jueves, el responsable español de Educación, Cultura y Deportes señaló que sus reuniones con sus homólogos chinos -Yuan Guiren en la cartera de Educación y Cai Wu en la de Cultura- han tenido como espíritu fomentar el mayor flujo de estudiantes procedentes de China. «Se trata de que haya un marco de facilidades, un marco regulatorio, por el cual una mayor proporción de ese gran número de estudiantes chinos que cada año salen a estudiar fuera, 400.000, vayan a estudiar a España», declaró el ministro.

Una de las dificultades que afrontan los estudiantes chinos es el «tiempo excesivo que se tarda en la expedición de títulos«, admitió el ministro. Ese plazo puede prolongarse entre nueve meses y un año, demasiado tiempo para aquellos estudiantes que necesitan acreditar sus cursos a su regreso a su país. «Estamos trabajando con las Universidades para que se haga en un plazo más corto y facilitar así la presencia de estudiantes chinos en España», aseguró Wert.

Más información:


Alcalá, Preferred Destination for Chinese Students

Currently, about 6,000 chinese students are enrolled in Spanish universities. The Spanish government aims to double that number in a few years.

60% of these students are coursing studies related with the Spanish language, mainly on universities like the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Alcalá de Henares and Granada.

Spain is “an excellent destination for both Spanish studies as undergraduate, master and doctoral degrees”, said Spanish Minister of Education José Ignacio Wert . «I encourage Chinese students who are interested in the Spanish language and culture, and in general to study anything else in Spain, to Spain as a destination”, added the minister.

Removing red tapes

During his visit to Beijing , which began last Thursday, the Spanish responsible for Education, Culture and Sports said his meetings with Chinese counterparts -Yuan Guiren in the portfolio of Education and Cai Wu in Culture – have tried to promote the flow of chinese students to Spain. «We are trying to set up a framework of facilities, a regulatory framework, by which a greater proportion of the large number of Chinese students who each year leave to study abroad, 400,000, go to study in Spain”, said the minister.

One of the difficulties faced by Chinese students is the “excessive time it takes the issue of certificates”, admitted the minister. This period can last between nine months and a year, too long for those students who need to prove their courses upon their return to their country. “We are working with the universities to be done in a shorter time and thus facilitate the presence of Chinese students in Spain”, said Wert.

Additional information:


On Saying “Bye!” to Say “Hi!” When Passing Friends in Spain

Personas en Alcalá de Henares
Personas en Alcalá de Henares

When I first came to Spain in September of last year, culture shock really wasn’t that big of a problem for me, thanks in no small part to the plethora of resources available online—expat and auxiliar blogs, for example—and in print—books like Culture Shock: Spain, and even the back matter of Lonely Planet Spain. Reading about little (and big) cultural differences beforehand prepared me well for my initial few weeks in the country, from giving kisses when meeting women to eating dinner at nine in the evening instead of five- or six-o’-clock.

The post On Saying “Bye!” to Say “Hi!” When Passing Friends in Spain appeared first on www.trevorhuxham.com
Úbeda, Spain
Calle Obispo Cobos, Úbeda

Moving to Úbeda, in the northwest corner of the southern Andalucía region, I expected the local accent to be rapid, consonant-dropping, and generally different from textbook or news reporter Spanish. I had studied what made the andaluz accent different from “standard” Castilian, and was ready to interpret what I heard as comotá to mean ¿Cómo estás?—“How are you?”

But already in that first week of getting settled in Úbeda I was hearing taló and taleugo being thrown around in the streets, and it appeared that people were just saying it to random folks as they passed them by. It really threw me for a loop; I wondered, are they really saying “hasta luego,” See You Later, to their friends as they walk past them? It didn’t make any sense for people to say “goodbye” when you’re supposed to say “hi” to someone you pass in the street.

Úbeda, Spain
Calle Minas, Úbeda

I soon learned that hasta luego is, in fact, what you’re “supposed” to say. If you’re in a bit of a rush (as much as you can be in Spain) and can’t be bothered to make smalltalk with your neighbor’s daughter’s hairdresser, it’s the polite thing to say—it acknowledges you saw each other (rather than making it seem like you’re ignoring them) and implies that you will, in fact, see this person at a later time to eventually talk again. I would loosely translate hasta luego as “Can’t talk now, but let’s catch up later!»

Shouting out an hola or ¿que tal? implies you have time to spare and want to start a conversation, see how things are going, how their grandkids are, etc. So if you happen to say hola to a friend while you’re on your way to the farmers’ market ten minutes before it closes, you kind of leave them hanging without finishing what you started; they thought you wanted to chit-chat or had something to say but then you kept walking!

If this sounds confusing and almost counter-intuitive, don’t sweat it, because I have Spanish friends themselves who aren’t sure when to say which phrase! But as a general guideline, use hasta luego when passing by an acquaintance (and continuing on), and hola and its many variations when you see someone you know and want to stop and “say hi.”

What do you say when you walk by people you know on the street? Comment below!

The post On Saying “Bye!” to Say “Hi!” When Passing Friends in Spain appeared first on www.trevorhuxham.com


On Saying “Bye!” to Say “Hi!” When Passing Friends in Spain

Personas en Alcalá de Henares
Personas en Alcalá de Henares

When I first came to Spain in September of last year, culture shock really wasn’t that big of a problem for me, thanks in no small part to the plethora of resources available online—expat and auxiliar blogs, for example—and in print—books like Culture Shock: Spain, and even the back matter of Lonely Planet Spain. Reading about little (and big) cultural differences beforehand prepared me well for my initial few weeks in the country, from giving kisses when meeting women to eating dinner at nine in the evening instead of five- or six-o’-clock.

The post On Saying “Bye!” to Say “Hi!” When Passing Friends in Spain appeared first on www.trevorhuxham.com
Úbeda, Spain
Calle Obispo Cobos, Úbeda

Moving to Úbeda, in the northwest corner of the southern Andalucía region, I expected the local accent to be rapid, consonant-dropping, and generally different from textbook or news reporter Spanish. I had studied what made the andaluz accent different from “standard” Castilian, and was ready to interpret what I heard as comotá to mean ¿Cómo estás?—“How are you?”

But already in that first week of getting settled in Úbeda I was hearing taló and taleugo being thrown around in the streets, and it appeared that people were just saying it to random folks as they passed them by. It really threw me for a loop; I wondered, are they really saying “hasta luego,” See You Later, to their friends as they walk past them? It didn’t make any sense for people to say “goodbye” when you’re supposed to say “hi” to someone you pass in the street.

Úbeda, Spain
Calle Minas, Úbeda

I soon learned that hasta luego is, in fact, what you’re “supposed” to say. If you’re in a bit of a rush (as much as you can be in Spain) and can’t be bothered to make smalltalk with your neighbor’s daughter’s hairdresser, it’s the polite thing to say—it acknowledges you saw each other (rather than making it seem like you’re ignoring them) and implies that you will, in fact, see this person at a later time to eventually talk again. I would loosely translate hasta luego as “Can’t talk now, but let’s catch up later!»

Shouting out an hola or ¿que tal? implies you have time to spare and want to start a conversation, see how things are going, how their grandkids are, etc. So if you happen to say hola to a friend while you’re on your way to the farmers’ market ten minutes before it closes, you kind of leave them hanging without finishing what you started; they thought you wanted to chit-chat or had something to say but then you kept walking!

If this sounds confusing and almost counter-intuitive, don’t sweat it, because I have Spanish friends themselves who aren’t sure when to say which phrase! But as a general guideline, use hasta luego when passing by an acquaintance (and continuing on), and hola and its many variations when you see someone you know and want to stop and “say hi.”

What do you say when you walk by people you know on the street? Comment below!

The post On Saying “Bye!” to Say “Hi!” When Passing Friends in Spain appeared first on www.trevorhuxham.com




ALCINE, el Festival de cine de Alcalá de Henares, celebra su 43 edición del 8 al 15 de noviembre.

Como novedades en esta edición, la sección Pantalla Cero se hace competitiva, con largometrajes inéditos realizados con bajo presupuesto y de incuestionable calidad, lo que abre una nueva vía al Cine Español. Más y nuevos premios, una exposición única de piezas de coleccionistas particulares de “Lobby Cards”, la incorporación de Cine Europeo en ruta (iniciativa de Parlamento y Comisión Europea), y muchas otras, son las primicias de uno de los más veteranos y prestigiosos festivales del panorama cinematográfico.

Dossier de prensa



Las salas de proyecciones


Toda la información sobre ALCINE:


Inaugurada la rehabilitación de la Manzana Cisneriana de la Universidad de Alcalá

Capilla de San Ildefonso (panoramica Manzana Cisneriana)
Capilla de San Ildefonso (panoramica Manzana Cisneriana)

Este mes de octubre ha concluido la restauración de la Manzana Cisneriana de la Universidad de Alcalá, obra capital del Renacimiento hispano.

Íntimamente ligada a los orígenes de la España moderna y símbolo de la historia y del presente de la Universidad de Alcalá y de la ciudad de Alcalá de Henares. Las obras se han llevado a cabo con fondos del programa de Rehabilitación del Patrimonio Arquitectónico del Ministerio de Fomento.

Los elementos del conjunto sobre los que ha sido necesario actuar más profundamente han sido el Patio de Santo Tomás de Villanueva y la Capilla de San Ildefonso. Como explica José Luis de la Quintana, arquitecto de la Universidad de Alcalá y director de las obras, ‘los daños que la exposición a la intemperie, las humedades del subsuelo, las goteras y la contaminación causaron durante siglos a sus estructuras, junto a las consecuencias de la desamortización de 1836, los cambios de uso y las duras restauraciones que se llevaron a cabo en ella en los dos primeros tercios del siglo XX, provocaron la pérdida de algunos de sus elementos patrimoniales más importantes, así como el deterioro, el enmascaramiento y la distorsión de muchos otros, especialmente en la capilla’.

La restauración, en la que han participado especialistas en numerosas disciplinas humanísticas, científicas y técnicas, ha mejorado la accesibilidad del conjunto, actualizando sus instalaciones y adaptándolo a las normativas actuales de higiene, seguridad y evacuación en caso de emergencia.

Patio de Santo Tomás de Villanueva, Universidad de Alcalá
Patio de Santo Tomás de Villanueva,
Universidad de Alcalá

Pero sobre todo, ha recuperado todos los elementos patrimoniales que se conservaban en las zonas afectadas por las obras, incluso algunos que estaban ocultos y olvidados tras intervenciones inadecuadas. En la Capilla de San Ildefonso destacan las restauraciones de los artesonados, las yeserías, las vidrieras y el sepulcro del cardenal Cisneros, así como el descubrimiento de un friso de pintura mural desconocido y una arqueta funeraria con restos atribuidos a Francisco Vallés. También se ha recuperado la cota del pavimento original y con ello, la proporción interior del templo. En el Patio de Santo Tomás de Villanueva destaca la restauración de las arquerías de granito con sus relieves e inscripciones alusivos al nacimiento y a la madurez de la Universidad Cisneriana.

Las obras también han tratado de relacionar y hacer comprensibles las diferentes fases históricas de los principales edificios de la manzana y han analizado e interpretado los significados que sus fundadores y sus constructores nos transmitieron mediante las esculturas, relieves, epígrafes y criptogramas que dejaron insertos en ellos.

Este proceso de restauración, que ha garantizado la conservación de este importantísimo patrimonio histórico, ha permitido avanzar en la comprensión del trascendental papel que la Universidad fundada por el cardenal Cisneros en Alcalá de Henares en 1499 y el mismo Cisneros tuvieron en la formación del Estado español y en la divulgación del pensamiento y de la cultura españolas de su tiempo.

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Taller Escuela de Restauración de Alcalá

Taller Escuela de Restauración de Pintura

Descubre el Taller Escuela de Restauración de Alcalá de Henares, un lugar único en el que los valores personales y la variable tiempo adquieren otra dimensión.

Vivimos en un mundo muy rápido, en ocasiones demasiado rápido. Comemos en diez minutos, aprendemos un idioma en seis meses y visitamos una ciudad en cuatro horas. Consumimos información con avidez, y las noticias publicadas por la mañana las consideramos antiguas a mediodía. Estas mismas líneas están escritas con la celeridad que demanda un medio online, sin apenas tiempo para asentar bien las ideas y consolidar la información.

Sin embargo existe un pequeño reducto, un espacio mágico donde el tiempo adquiere otra dimensión. Un lugar donde la calidad está realmente reñida con la prisa, donde lo único que importa es hacer las cosas bien, requiera el tiempo que requiera.

Ese lugar está a apenas 15 minutos de la plaza de Cervantes y se llama Taller Escuela de Restauración de Alcalá de Henares.

Si conoces esta bella ciudad o has ojeado la sección de Lugares de Dream! Alcalá, te habrás dado cuenta de inmediato del inmenso patrimonio artístico que atesora. La Universidad Cisneriana es un tesoro Patrimonio de la Humanidad en sí mismo, pero en Alcalá existen multitud de edificios religiosos (la catedral en primer lugar, pero también decenas de iglesias, conventos, oratorios, etc.) que albergan infinidad de obras de arte de gran valor de distintas épocas de nuestra historia.

Estas obras reflejan un instante en el tiempo, unas creencias y unas costumbres que forman parte de nuestro pasado histórico, y de nuestra cultura actual. Sin embargo el tiempo es el peor aliado del arte, y a toda obra le llega el momento en que debe recibir un proceso de restauración que le devuelva su gloria inicial. Solo así las siguientes generaciones podrán seguir admirando nuestro rico legado.

El Taller Escuela de Restauración de Alcalá es casi una excepción en la Comunidad de Madrid, y por tanto es también un tesoro que debemos guardar y mimar. En él se trabaja con profesionalidad, maestría y paciencia, pero también con pasión y ganas de sentirse satisfecho del trabajo propio y en equipo. Todo un “must” en nuestra actual y competitiva sociedad.

La condición necesaria de un buen restaurador de obras de arte debe ser su modestia. Su trabajo debe ser imperceptible de manera que solo se admire la obra (todo lo contrario al conocido y mediático caso del Ecce Homo de Zaragoza que dio la vuelta al mundo en 2012). Pero debe resultar casi imposible no vincularse emocionalmente con un proceso de restauración que puede durar años, y para el que en ocasiones hay que desplegar una inmensa paleta de recursos técnicos.

En el Taller Escuela de Restauración de Alcalá tienes la oportunidad de disfrutar esta sensación en primera persona. Tanto si eres alcalaíno como extranjero, puedes poner tu granito de arena en la conservación del patrimonio histórico de nuestra ciudad. Podrás alejarte de la cotidianidad y el protagonismo personal para formar parte de algo excepcional que es mucho mayor que tú.

El abanico de posibilidades es generoso y abarca diversas disciplinas. Tienes a tu disposición cursos de restauración y técnicas pictóricas, puedes aprender técnicas de restauración de marcos, crear moldes y reproducciones o apuntarte a cursos de restauración de muebles.

Hagas lo que hagas encontrarás personal altamente cualificado y apasionado con su trabajo, capitaneado por un excepcional director como José Luis Mateo, responsable desde 1985 del rumbo de esta genuina e imprescindible institución.

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Taller Escuela de Restauración of Alcalá

Taller Escuela de Restauración de Pintura

Discover the Taller Escuela de Restauración of Alcalá de Henares, a unique place in which personal values and time variable acquire another dimension.

We live in a very quick world, too much even in some occasions. We have lunch in ten minutes, learn a language in six months and visit a city in four hours. We use information avidly, and news published in the morning are considered old by midday. These same lines are written with the distinctive speed on an online media, with barely time to settle ideas properly and to consolidate information.

However, there is a little stronghold, a magic space in which time acquires a new dimension. A place in which quality is really against hurry, where the only thing that matters is to do things appropriately, no matter how long it takes.

Such place is scarcely 15 minutes from plaza de Cervantes and it is called Taller Escuela de Restauración of Alcalá de Henares.

If you know our beautiful city or have taken a look to our section Places on Dream! Alcalá, you would have realized immediately the immense artistic heritage Alcalá holds. The Cisnerian University is a World Heritage treasure itself, besides many other religious buildings of Alcalá—the cathedral in first place, followed by tens of churches, convents, chapels, and so on—holding countless artistic jewels of great value from different periods of our history.

These works reflect an instant in time, some believes and costumes that compound our historical past and our current culture. However, the worst ally of art is time; there is a moment for every work in which it should undertake a restoring process to give its initial glory back. That is the only way by which next generations could appreciate our rich legacy.

The Taller Escuela de Restauración of Alcalá is almost an exception within the Community of Madrid, and so, it is also a treasure to keep and care. Within it, work is made professionally, with expertise and patience, but also with passion and desire of feeling satisfied of their individual and team work. It is a must in our current and competitive society.

A good restorer of art works have to be modest by definition. His work must be imperceptible so just the original work can be admired—totally contrary to the famous and well-known case of Ecce Homo in Zaragoza, which travelled around the world in 2012. Nevertheless, it could be almost impossible not to bind yourself emotionally in a restoration process that could take years, and for what it is necessary to unfold an immense quantity of technical resources in numerous occasions.

In this Taller Escuela de Restauración of Alcalá, you have the opportunity of enjoying this sensation by yourself. Both if you are born in Alcalá or foreign, you can do your bit on the conversation about our city’s historical heritage. You can keep away from daily routine and personal prominence to become part of something exceptional and much bigger than you.

The range of possibilities is wide and includes different disciplines. Courses of restoration and painting techniques are available, you can learn framework restoration techniques and molds and reproductions making; or sign up a course of furniture restoring.

Whatever you do, you will find high qualified staff, passionate with their job, managed by an exceptional director as José Luis Mateo, in charge of the course of such genuine istitutions since 1985.

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