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Misterios de Alcalá

Con motivo de la exposición de la Sábana Santa en Alcalá de Henares la Concejalía de Turismo ha organizado las visitas Misterios de Alcalá por la parte oculta y sagrada de Alcalá de Henares. Las visitas las realizará Gonzalo Gómez García, autor del libro de ensayo «Alcalá Mágica y Heterodoxa».

Días de visita:

  • Octubre: 5, 9, 18 y 26.
  • Noviembre:1, 2, 9, 16 y 23.
  • Diciembre: 7, 14, 20, 27 y 28.
  • Enero: 4 y 11
  1. Hora de salida: 19:00 h, Plaza de las Bernardas.
  2. Precio: 9 Euros.
  3. Reserva previa en la Oficina de Turismo de la Plaza de los Santos Niños.
  4. Tel: 91 881 06 34. Grupo mínimo de 5 personas.

Recorrido: Plaza de las Bernardas, Plaza de Palacio, Plazuela del Rejo, Callejón del Hospital, Calle Victoria, Lonja de la Magistral, Calle Empecinado, Hospital de Santa María La Rica, Calle Cárcel Vieja, Calle Trinidad, Plaza de Cervantes, Calle Cerrajeros, Calle Carmen Calzado, Calle Mayor, Corral de la Sinagoga, Calle Imagen, Calle Santiago, Calle Nebrija y Plaza de San Diego.

Fuente y más información:



Misterios de Alcalá
Misterios de Alcalá

Mysteries of Alcalá

 On the occasion of the exhibition of the Shroud in Alcala de Henares the Department of Tourism has organized visits Mysteries of Alcalá by the hidden and sacred of Alcala de Henares. The visits will be made by Gonzalo Gómez García test author of «Magic and Heterodox Alcalá».
Open days:

  • October: 5, 9, 18 and 26.
  • November: 1, 2, 9, 16 and 23
  • December: 7, 4, 20, 27 and 28.
  • January 4 and 11


  1. Check Out: 19:00 pm. Plaza de las Bernardas.
  2. Price: 9 Euros.
  3. Prior booking at the Tourist Office in the Plaza de los Santos Niños.
  4. Tel: 91 881 June 34. Minimum group of 5 people.


Itinerary: Plaza de las Bernardas, Plaza de Palacio, Plazuela del Rejo, Callejón del Hospital, Calle Victoria, Lonja de la Magistral, Calle Empecinado, Hospital de Santa María La Rica, Calle Cárcel Vieja, Calle Trinidad, Plaza de Cervantes, Calle Cerrajeros, Calle Carmen Calzado, Calle Mayor, Corral de la Sinagoga, Calle Imagen, Calle Santiago, Calle Nebrija y Plaza de San Diego.


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Misterios de Alcalá
Misterios de Alcalá

Archaeological Site of Complutum, the Roman Alcalá

Complutum, la Alcalá romana

Complutum, the only Roman city within the Community of Madrid, holds the best Roman wall painting of all Spain.

Back to primary Iberian settlements two thousand years ago, Romans founded the old city of Complutum or Compluto, west part of current Alcalá, explaining why Alcalá’s inhabitants are named after Complutensians.

The great site of Complutum archaeological remains is founded next to the current neighborhood named Catholic Monarchs and to the old road—from Madrid to Barcelona—passing through the city. Several areas, where information of what Roman Alcalá’s constructions can be found, are able to be visited.

The city’s design can be appreciated during your visit. It is compound by its streets—decumanus and cardos—, and the forum area. Also the market and the curia—within the administrative core of the city—, as well as other excavations in progress such as Casa de los Grifos—developing rapidly—, or Casa de Hippolytus—holding a great amount of discoveries in its inside—are worthy to visit.

Six Roman Centuries

Complutum was founded during the twenties of first century A.D., having a second period of expansion and splendor during third century, and existed until sixth century or even seventh, until the Roman Epire fall. Then, the city was moved to the surroundings of Campo Laudable, where the Magisterial Cathedral is located today; place in which Saint Children, Justo and Pastor—patrons of Alcalá—were martyred.

Before the emplacement we know today was settled, Complutum was placed into San Juan de Viso hill. Afterwards, it was moved to a flat area, riverside of Henares River, looking for richer lands. Besides, the new location meet with the intersection of the two most important Roman roads communicating Emerita Augusta and Cesaraugusta (current Mérida and Zaragoza) with Toledo. Such an exceptional position allowed Complutum to develop itself and to increase its economic prosperity. All these reasons motivated Emperor Vespasian to confer the municipality the title of privileged city in the year 74 A.D.

40.000 Complutum in America

One of the charms of Complutum is given by the grid of its design. Thanks to the orders of Philip II, you can observe how 40,000 cities urban planning—former Spanish colonies in America—have their origin in Alcalá’s one. The design is similar to a checkerboard—just like the famous crossword board game—, with square-shape blocks, all of them equally measured. Placing the central square in the middle of the intersection between two main roads of the city, one of them from east to west—called decumanu byRomans—, and the other coming from north to south—so-called cardo. A similar planning is also adopted by thousands of cities founded in Brazil by Portuguese.

Excavations of Complutum started at 1985, at the same time the law on National Heritage was approved, impelling the investigation and cataloging of the remains of the rich Spanish past. Although Complutum was partially destroyed when buildings adjoining the site were constructed; thanks to prospections—with the aid of aerial photographs and additional techniques—, the total perimeter of the city has been delimited and the urban planning has been successfully documented. Five decumanus and one cardo have been preserved, as well as all buildings whose remains have been found.

Taverns and Offices

Excavated remains show the main buildings of the city, whose impressive size and historical significance are instantly transmitted to visitors who observe them. . There were so many details in columns, walls, mosaics, that archeologists have been able to provide a complete description of both constructions and its daily uses.

As in every Roman city, the center of daily life of Complutum was its forum, where main public buildings were located and whose surroundings hosted inhabitants’ social, economic and political life. The monumental whole of Complutum forum was compounded by a basilica, a curia, some public baths, a temple and a market—with numerous establishments of retail trade where all kind of items, including wines, were sold. There were taverns—antecessors of today’s bars—and offices or trade workshops, where their products were also sold.

The Forum Was Not Outside

The name of forum has its origin in Latin, meaning outside, as in the first Roman cities it was preferred to place them away from the center with the only aim of holding the market. However, afterwards, it was moved to the core of the city, to the intersection of two main axes of the city, preserving though its name.

The basilica was maybe the most characteristic building of Roman forums. Seat of the Court of Justice, it was very relevant within Roman daily life, and within it, business agreements were negotiated. Adjoined to the basilica, foundations and remains of the curia can be observed, previously holding the so-called Termas Norte. The curia—where Senate or the government of the city of Complutum were gathered—was decorated with a monumental façade, some fragments of which have been found today.

Old Roman basilicas, contrary to what it may seem today, were not religious buildings, but the seat of the Court of Justice. Later, Christians took advantage from the basilica-shape and, in many cases, Roman buildings themselves; to hold their own places of worship.

Public baths were also a very valuable place to Roman culture, so they were not only intended for personal hygiene but also for citizens’ social and leisure meetings. Different time slots were scheduled for men and women. That is the reason why during third century A.D., next to the new market, Termas Sur substituted the old and disappeared Termas Norte.

Within the remains preserved today, you may observe the rubbles of heating systems, with pipes of hot air coming from big ovens and heating the floor and stays, such as hot-water pool for public baths and different meeting stays of certain importance.

Houses or Domus

The touristic whole of Complutum holds valuable rests from several houses, some of them of considerable size, such as Casa de Hippolytus—with its own visits timetable— and Casa de los Grifos—in which works continue under an iron dome of 100 tons which protects it. You can also visit houses of Bacchus, Cupid or Leda. Wonderful mosaics have been found in all of them, some of which are still in the very same Complutum while others are found into the Regional Archaeological Museum, into Plaza de las Bernardas.

Additional Information:


Useful information:

  • Address: Camino del Juncal, 20
  • Telephone: +34 91 881 32 50


Access from Madrid

  • Renfe Cercanías railroads C-2 and C7A. Garena Station
  • Bus nº 223 (departure from Avenida de América Interchanger). Liade Stop


Opening hours

Summer (May to Sept.):

  • Tue-Fri: from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (Monday closed)
  • Sat and Sun: From 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.


Winter (Oct to Apr.):

  • Tue-Fri: from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (Monday closed)
  • Sat and Sun: From 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • Closed: Dec: 24, 25 and 31. Jan: 1 and 7
  • Ticket price: 1 €



Access from Madrid

  • Renfe Cercanías railroads C-1, C-2 and C7A.
  • Bus nº 223 (departure from Avenida de América Interchanger).


Image gallery:

[gdl_gallery title=»ciudad-de-complutum» width=»125″ height=»94″]

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Alcalá la Vieja, the Muslim City

Alcalá la vieja o Qal'at Abd-al Salam
Alcalá la vieja o Qal'at Abd-al Salam.

Discover Alcalá la Vieja, the Muslim City of Alcalá in the 10th century

Al Qalat Islamic domination of the Iberian Peninsula cornered in the northernmost parts of the Peninsula a few Christians who maintained their independence. Muslims, new masters of almost all Spanish geography, required for a fortified post on the route from Zaragoza to Toledo, which together with the nearby cities of greater strategic value as Guadalajara or Talamanca, serve to support the raids periodically were directed against the Christian kingdoms in the north.

These fortifications were the function of preventing the descent of the enemy troops into the middle of the Tagus. They were, therefore, the two aforementioned cities and the strength of Al-Qul’aya, built on the banks of upstream Henares Complutum old, the three strategic points guarded and defended the territory from access by the Christian armies that tried down into the valley of Jarama from high Somosierra, or reach the valley of the Henares from Atienza and eastern parts of Castile, and from Zaragoza.

In the early tenth century, the new Arabic site Alcalá should not be more than a fortified watchtower small in size, judging by terminology with which it is named in the first news we have known Alcalá la Vieja. According to Bayan-al Mugrib, in 920, ruling in Cordoba Abd-al-Rahman III, the governor of Guadalajara defeated a large Christian Leon expedition had crossed the ports of the Central System with the intention of attacking Guadalajara. The site that beset, near Guadalajara, appears as al-Qul’aya reviewed, which can be translated as «the chateau.» Lévi-Provençal identified him as the little fort that preceded the one that gave the city its name today.

It seems that during the tenth century that little watchtower increased its fortifications, defensive accompanied this increase population growth and increased urban importance, especially if we consider the new name of Qal’at Abd-al-Salam, which translates to Castle Abd-al-Salam and even according to some authors such as Castle of the Prince of Peace. This name appears in Islamic chronicles, to relate the crisis of the Cordoba Caliphate in the early years of the eleventh century.

Would be in the summer of 1062 when Ferdinand I, in front of a large army, laid siege to the Muslim city, combating with mills to open a breach in its walls, forcing the king Al-Ma’mun of Toledo to become tax and pay him pariah to lift the siege, in exchange for the delivery of great riches.

However, despite the historic conquest of Toledo by Alfonso VI in 1085 and his mastery of the immediate region, the strength of Alcalá la Vieja continue under Muslim rule until 1118 the archbishop of Toledo, Don Bernardo, took his hosts the important enclave of Alcalá, where he managed to pay the plaza.

Visiting Alcalá la Vieja

Alcalá la Vieja doesn’t have any infrastructure to be accessed. It is located on the outskirts of Alcalá, in the area called Natural Park (see map below). No tourist office and visiting hours.

If you want to visit Alcalá la Vieja, you can do it walking or biking a hiking trail. It is a 8 km long round trip, ie approximate hiking time 3.5 hours, biking time 2 hours. Read more here.

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Find Alcalá la Vieja in the map

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Encuesta Exposición Sábana Santa


Del 1 de octubre al 14 de enero.

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Encuesta Exposición Sábana Santa


Del 1 de octubre al 14 de enero.

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Talleres Infantiles de Turismo Familiar

Talleres Turismo Familiar
Talleres Turismo Familiar

Talleres Infantiles  de Turismo Familiar en Alcalá de Henares. Talleres temáticos con materiales reciclados inspirados en la historia de la ciudad. Todos los sábados del 21 de septiembre al 30 de noviembre, ambos inclusive.

  • Durante la Semana Cervantina habrá talleres los días 12 y 13 de octubre.
  • Lugar: Salón de Actos del Antiguo Hospital de Santa María la Rica. Calle Santa María la Rica, 3 (junto a la plaza de los Santos Niños).
  • Horario: de 11:30 a 13:30 horas.
  • Para niños de 4 a 12 años inclusive.
  • La entrada es gratuita y el aforo está limitado a 50 participantes.

Imprescindible inscripción previa en la Oficina de Turismo de la Plaza de los Santos Niños 91 881 06 34. Cada sábado se realizará un taller con distinta temática

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Workshops for Children – Family Tourism

Talleres Turismo Familiar
Talleres Turismo Familiar

Workshops for Children – Family Tourism in Alcalá de Henares. Thematic workshops using recycled materials inspired by the history of the city. Every Saturday from September 21 to November 30, inclusive.

  • During the Cervantes’ Week be workshops on October 12 and 13.
  • Location: Hall of the Old Hospital of Santa María la Rica. Calle Santa María la Rica, 3 (next to Plaza de los Santos Niños).
  • When: 11:30 to 13:30 hours.
  • For children aged 4-12 years inclusive.
  • Admission is free and seating will be limited to 50 participants.

Essential pre-registration at the Tourist Office of the Plaza de los Santos Niños 91 881 06 34. Every Saturday will be a workshop with different themes.

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Historias en la Tierra. Actividad gratuita

Historias en la Tierra
Historias en la Tierra

Historias en la Tierra-Descubre la historia y la arqueología de la Comunidad de Madrid. Participa en una experiencia única adentrándote en nuestro pasado a través de los relatos que darán vida a romanos, visigodos y personajes de época moderna, mientras fabrican instrumentos y explican los principales enclaves arqueológicos de la Comunidad de Madrid.

Acceso gratuito todos los sábados excepto el mes de agosto. a las 11:30 h. cada dramatización durará unos 30-40 minutos. Teléfonos: 012 – 675 08 83 81

Alcalá Año 55 D.C. (Complutum Alcalá de Henares)
Ciudad Romana de Complutum S. I, a.C.

Punto de Encuentro Camino del Juncal s/n (junto a la confluencia con Jiménez de Quesada). Coordenadas: 40º 28′ 25,23″ N-3ª 23′ 9,78″ W

La Ciudad sin Nombre

Dehesa de la Oliva, Patones. Ciudad Romana de la Dehesa de la Oliva (s.I a.C. -I d.C.) y necrópolis (S. V-VIII d.C.) Punto de encuentro: M-134 desde Patones de Abajo dirección El Atazar km. 2. Avanzar por el camino que asciende, cruzar las conducciones verdes del canal de Isabel II, llegar al edificio del Canal y continuar 400 m. Coordenadas: 40º 53′ 2.07″ N-3º 27′ 2.41″ W

Todos los Caminos conducen a Roma

Fuenfría, Cercedilla. Calzada Romana y caminería del siglo XVIII. Punto de encuentro: Centro de Educación ambiental del Valle de Fuenfría, en el km. 2-3 d ela M-966. Avanzar por el camino de ascenso al puerto hasta localizar los dos pilares de piedra que marcan el inicio del camino de Felipe V, antes del Puente del Descalzo. Coordenadas: 40º 46′ 29,81″ N-4º 3′ 59,61″ W

Aquellos Maravillosos Bárbaros

Dehesa de Navalvillar, Colmenar Viejo. Aldeas Tardoromanas.  (S. VII-VIII d.C.) Punto de encuentro: desde la M-625 km 2 (baese de helicópteros) tomar el primer camino a la derecha hasta continuar a pie 800m. el camino principal de la fuente. Coordenadas: 40º 53′ 4.02″ N-3º 27′ 14,77″ W

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Stories on Earth. Free activity

Historias en la Tierra
Historias en la Tierra

Stories on Earth-Discover the history and archeology of the Community of Madrid. Take part in a unique experience heading down into our past through the stories that give life to Romans, Visigoths and characters of modern times, while manufactured instruments and explain the main archaeological sites of the Community of Madrid.

Free access every Saturday except August. at 11:30 h. each skit will last about 30-40 minutes. Phone: 012-675 81 August 83

Alcala Year 55 D.C. (Complutum Alcalá de Henares)
Complutum Roman City of S. I, B.C.

Meeting Point Road Juncal s / n (near the confluence with Jimenez de Quesada). Coordinates: 40 ° 28 ‘25.23 «N-3 ª 23’ 9.78» W

The Nameless City

Dehesa de la Oliva, Paton. Roman City of the Dehesa de la Oliva (sI BC-AD) and Necropolis (S. V-VIII AD) Meeting point: M-134 from Paton de Abajo address Atazar km. Two. Forward on the path that ascends, crossing green lines Isabel II Canal, Canal reach the building and continue 400 m. Coordinates: 40 ° 53 ‘2.07 «N, 3 º 27’ 2.41» W

All roads lead to Rome

Fuenfría, Cercedilla. Roads Roman Road and eighteenth century. Meeting point: Environmental Education Center Fuenfría Valley, km. 2-3 d ela M-966. Scroll through the way up to the port to find the two stone pillars that mark the beginning of the path of Philip V, before the Barefoot Bridge. Coordinates: 40 ° 46 ‘29.81 «N, 4 ° 3’ 59.61» W

The Wonder Barbarians

Dehesa de Navalvillar, Colmenar Viejo. Villages Tardoromanas. (S. VII-VIII AD) Meeting point: from the M-625 km2 (Baese helicopter) take the first road to the right to continue to walk 800m. the main path of the source. Coordinates: 40 ° 53 ‘4.02 «N, 3 ° 27’ 14.77» W

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Planos y guías turísticas de Alcalá de Henares

Alcalá de Henares es una ciudad cosmopolita y llena de vida, en la que podrás realizar todo tipo de actividades y visitas turísticas en cualquier momento del año.

La ciudad que vio nacer a Cervantes y que está considerada Patrimonio de la Humanidad es una gran alternativa para disfrutar del tiempo libre en cualquier momento de año. Aquí podrás visitar lugares como el Museo Casa Natal de Cervantes, el Museo Arqueológico Regional o el Centro de Interpretación ‘Los Universos de Cervantes’, donde a la muestra permanente sobre el autor de El Quijote e ilustre hijo complutense se suman siempre interesantes exposiciones temporales.

También podrás retroceder 2000 años en nuestra historia recorriendo la ciudad romana de Complutum o la excepcional Casa de Hippolytus.

Caminar por casco histórico complutense permite visitar lugares únicos como la Universidad de Alcalá, la Torre de Santa María y sus espectaculares vistas de la ciudad, el Corral de Comedias –una joya que conviene no perderse-, el Monasterio de San Bernardo o la Catedral Magistral.

Si no sabes bien por dónde empezar, te recomendamos dar un paseo por la Plaza de Cervantes, lugar desde donde podrás realizar un breve recorrido por la ciudad con nuestras audioguías gratuitas Alcalá en una mañana I y II.

Y si quieres conocer los distintos eventos que acontecen en la ciudad complutense a lo largo del año, visita nuestra sección Eventos anuales.

Y todo ello acompañado por una selección de establecimientos de hostelería en los que disfrutar de un descanso mientras disfrutas de nuestra gastronomía. ¡Bienvenido a Alcalá de Henares!

Alcalá, Patrimonio Mundial

Conoce esta nueva guía turística creada por el Ayuntamiento de Alcalá de Henares y la Concejalía de Turismo, todo un referente imprescindible para conocer a fondo Alcalá de Henares.

Más información

Planos y guías turísticas de Alcalá de Henares

Te proporcionamos los planos y guías turísticas más relevantes del lugar que vio nacer al Miguel de Cervantes, para que no te pierdas al recorrer la ciudad de las artes y las letras:

Plano turístico de Alcalá de henares + transporte.


Plano turístico de Alcalá de Henares (PDF).

Haz clic aquí para descargar el PDF.

Guía turística de Alcalá de Henares (PDF)

Haz clic aquí para descargar el PDF.

Plano de transportes de Alcalá de Henares (PDF):

Haz clic aquí para descargar el PDF

Plano de transportes de Madrid y Alcalá de Henares
Si quieres ver un Plano de Transportes de la Comunidad de Madrid, haz clic aquí. Y si prefieres un plano más específico para hacer turismo, haz clic aquí.

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Tourist Maps and Guides of Alcalá de Henares

Tourist Map of Alcalá de Henares + transport.

Tourist Map of Alcalá de Henares (PDF).

Tourist Map of Alcalá de Henares

Tourist Guide of Alcalá de Henares (PDF).

Tourist Guide of Alcalá de Henares

Himno de Alcalá de Henares

Tuna de Alcalá de Henares

Alcalá de Henares tiene himno propio desde 1960. Su letra la conocen muchos de sus habitantes, y la versión más popular es la que canta la Tuna de Alcalá.

Cuenta el Diario de Alcalá:

El pasodoble Alcalá de Henares pasa por ser el himno de la ciudad complutense y cuenta con algo más de medio siglo de vida. En concreto, sonó por primera vez el 29 de julio de 1960 en la desaparecida plaza de toros de la avenida de Guadalajara.

El promotor de la idea de darle a Alcalá una canción propia partió de empresario José Navarro, un aragonés de nacimiento y apasionado de Alcalá y su historia. Encargó la composición a otro alcalaíno de adopción, el militar Fernando Sáez de Santamaría, hombre de gran cultura y destreza literaria.

Las páginas del histórico periódico Nuevo Alcalá acogieron muchas de sus creaciones tanto narrativas como poéticas, firmadas con el pseudónimo Fernando Flandes. Él se encargó de escribir la letra y José Cebrián se ocupó de poner la música. En la tarde de aquel 29 de julio, durante la celebración de una corrida de toros como broche a un acto social de la Cruz Roja, sonó por primera vez el popular estribillo “Alcalá de Henares / De la lengua y la cultura tu eres gloria / Que ilumina con su llama la memoria / Lo mejor de la española tradición”. Hubo que esperar hasta 1965 para que por primera vez se grabara en disco el pasadoble, a cargo del músico alcalaíno Antonio Cerezo y su rondalla.

Letra del Himno de Alcalá

Sobre la huella de antiguos estudiantes
que en otro tiempo rondaron la ciudad
hoy se pasean las chicas elegantes
igual de guapas que antes, que alegran Alcalá

En los conventos la voz de la campana
recuerda siglos de rezo y vocación
y cuando duermes, el eco de rondallas
despierta melodías que oíste con amor

Alcalá de Henares

De la lengua y la cultura tu eres gloria
Que ilumina con su llama la memoria
Lo mejor de la española tradición

Alcalá de Henares

Al cobijo de tu sombra quiero estar
Y cerquita, muy cerquita de la Virgen
Que se venera en la ermita del Val

Hoy ya no hay tunas que vendan ilusiones
Ni las murallas defienden tu solar
Pero en las rejas que cercan tus balcones
Alegres corazones se vuelven a asomar

Entre la hiedra que oculta tu añoranza
Y por las grietas que hieren su dolor
Sonríen mudas las piedras milenarias
Pues saben que otras nuevas reviven tu calor

Alcalá de Henares

De la lengua y cultura tu eres gloria
Que ilumina con su llama la memoria
Lo mejor de la española tradición

Alcalá de Henares

Al cobijo de tu sombra quiero estar
Y cerquita, muy cerquita de la Virgen
Que se venera en la ermita del Val


Letra: Fernando Sáez de Santamaría  (Fernando Flandes)

Música : José Cebrián

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Alcalá de Henares Anthem

Alcalá de Henares has its own anthem since 1960. Its lyrics—known by most of its inhabitants—are sung by Alcalá’s tuna and have turned to be the most popular version of the anthem.

The newspaper Diario de Alcalá reads as follows:

Alcalá de Henares paso doble happens to be the anthem of the Complutum city since more than a half century ago. In fact, it sounded for the first time in July 29th, 1960, into the today’s disappeared bullring of Guadalajara Avenue.

The idea of giving Alcalá its own song emerges from the businessman José Navarro, born in Aragón and passionate of Alcalá and its history. He commissioned the composition to another adopted citizen of Alcalá, the military Fernando Sáez de Santamaría, man of great culture and literary skills.

Pages of the historical newspaper Nuevo Alcalá embraced several of his creations, both narratives and poems, signed with the pseudonymous of Fernando Flandes. Thus, while he took care of writing the lyrics, José Cebrián composed the music. That afternoon of July, 29th, the song sound for the first time during the celebration of a bullring “Alcalá de Henares / From the language and culture you are the glory / Illuminating with its flame the memory / Of the Golden Age of Spanish Tradition”. However, it was not until 1965 when it was recorded for the first time into a paso doble CD, thanks to Alcalá’s musician Antonio Cerezo and his rondalla [ensemble of stringed instruments].

Alcalá’s Anthem Lyrics

Following the footsteps of old students,
who in other times patrolled the city,
elegant girls as pretty as in years past,
still today brightening Alcalá up

Into the convents the voice of the bell
remind centuries of prays and vocation
and when sleeping, the echo of rondallas
wake up melodies you have previously heard with love

Alcalá de Henares

From the language and culture you are the glory
Illuminating with its flame the memory
of the Golden Age of Spanish Tradition

Alcalá de Henares

Under the shelter of your shadow I wish I were
And close, intimately close to the Virgin
venerated into del Val chapel

Today, no more tunas are selling illusions
Nor walls protecting your territory
But in the midst of grill fencing your balconies
Cheerful hearts reappear

Among the ivy hiding your longing
And through the cracks hurting its pain
Silently smile the millenary stones
As they know others revive your warm

Alcalá de Henares

From the language and culture you are the glory
Illuminating with its flame the memory
of the Golden Age of Spanish Tradition

Alcalá de Henares

Under the shelter of your shadow I wish I were
And close, intimately close to the Virgin
venerated into del Val chapel


 Read the original Spanish lyric

Lyrics: Fernando Sáez de Santamaría  (Fernando Flandes)

Music : José Cebrián


Additional Information:


How the people from Alcalá are

Personas en Alcalá de Henares
Personas en Alcalá de Henares

Alcalá de Henares is primarily known for its university and rich history, but its inhabitants are the main reason why it is such a pleasant place to visit. Discover how are the people from Alcalá.

Cody Gage. Indiana, USA.

There are a few reasons why I know just how nice people from Alcalá are.

Reason 1

I get lost… A LOT, and as a result have to ask directions constantly. Coming from the Barajas airport in Madrid I got lost three times and had to take six buses to arrive at Hotel Campanile near La Garena in Alcalá. As I asked bus drivers and gas station clerks to redirect me, everyone in the surrounding area was eager to give their own advice on how to reach my destination, explain the bus schedules, ask where I was from and wonder why I was visiting Alcalá.

The helpfulness of everyone turned getting lost into an enjoyable experience and gave me quite a good impression of the city my first day there.

Reason 2

I lived with a host family for one month and loved every second of it. Stereotypes claiming that family is the nucleus of Spanish society (and Hispanic societies in general) are true, so good families equal good environments. My host family loved showing me how to enjoy their city and teaching me as much about their culture as possible by answering every single (numerous) question I had.

The majority of students in my study abroad programs have similar opinions in regards to their families, which, given my experiences in Reason 1, leads me to believe the people in Alcalá as a whole take pride in hospitality. Whether you’re just coming to visit or studying abroad, people genuinely care about making sure your experience in their city is the best it can be, even if they just met you.

Reason 3

It seems like some days Spanish just doesn’t come to me, but luckily forgiveness and understanding come naturally to Spaniards when you give a genuine effort to speak their language.

Every professor and cashier displayed an admirable amount of patience as I sometimes struggled to convert my utterances into coherent sounds.


The people of Alcalá will shock you with their helpfulness, kindness, understanding and genuineness. So don’t be afraid to ask for directions or strike up conversations in Spanish no matter what you think your skill level is. If you come in a bad mood, being in the atmosphere of Alcalá and its citizens can easily make you forget what caused you to be upset in the first place because everyone is working in a hidden web to help you enjoy your stay.

So come! You won’t be disappointed!

Photo credit: luipermom via photopin cc

Cómo es la gente en Alcalá

Personas en Alcalá de Henares
Personas en Alcalá de Henares

Alcalá de Henares es conocida principalmente por su Universidad y su rica historia, pero sus habitantes son la razón principal por la que es un lugar tan agradable para visitar.

Cody Gage. Indiana, EE.UU.

Hay varias razones por las que tengo constancia de lo agradable que es la gente en Alcalá.

Razón 1

Suelo perderme… MUCHO, y por ello suelo preguntar direcciones constantemente. Al salir del aeropuerto de Barajas en Madrid me perdí tres veces y tuve que tomar seis autobuses para llegar al Hotel Campanile en Alcalá. Pregunté a los conductores de autobús y en varias gasolineras para que me indicasen la dirección correcta, y todo el mundo a mi alrededor estuvo dispuesto a ayudarme a alcanzar mi destino y explicarme los horarios de los autobuses. Me preguntaban de dónde era y por qué había decidido visitar Alcalá. La ayuda que recibí de todo el mundo convirtió el hecho de perderme en una experiencia positiva que consiguió que tuviese una impresión muy positiva de la ciudad desde el primer día.

Razón 2

Durante mi estancia en Alcalá viví con una familia española durante un mes y me encantó cada segundo de los que pasé con ellos. El estereotipo de que la familia es el núcleo de la sociedad española (y las sociedades hispanas en general) es muy cierto, y una buena familia equivale siempre a un buen ambiente. A mi familia le gustaba mucho enseñarme cómo disfrutar la ciudad y me mostraba muchas cosas sobre su cultura respondiendo a todas y cada una de las (numerosas) preguntas que les hacía.

La mayoría de los estudiantes de mi programa tuvo opiniones similares a las mías con sus propias familias, lo que, dadas mis experiencias previas en el punto anterior, me inclino a pensar que la gente de Alcalá en su conjunto se toma muy en serio la hospitalidad. Tanto si vas venir de visita turística como para estudiar, los alcalaínos se cuidarán mucho de asegurarse de que tu experiencia en la ciudad sea la mejor posible, aunque acaben de conocerte.

Razón 3

Había ciertos días en los que mi español no era tan fluido como querría, pero por fortuna la comprensión y ayuda son algo natural de los españoles cuando ven que te esfuerzas por hablar su idioma. Cada profesor, cada cajera de supermercado, todos mostraban una paciencia  admirable al ver cómo de vez en cuando sufría para convertir mis pensamientos en sonidos coherentes.


La gente de Alcalá te sorprenderá por su amabilidad, comprensión, ganas de ayudar y autenticidad. Por tanto no temas preguntar una dirección o entablar conversaciones en español, sea cual sea su nivel. Si te encuentras de mal humor, estar bajo la atmósfera de Alcalá y sus habitantes hará que te olvides rápidamente de la causa de tu malestar, porque todos trabajarán como si se tratase de una red invisible para ayudarte a disfrutar tu estancia.

Por tanto ¡ven, no te arrepentirás!

Photo credit: luipermom via photopin cc

XVII Jornadas Gastronómicas Cervantinas

Semana Gastronómica 2013 - Alcalá de Henares
Semana Gastronómica 2013 - Alcalá de Henares

XVII Jornadas Gastronómicas Cervantinas del 30 de septiembre al 6 de octubre de 2013.

La aportación gastronómica de la Semana Cervantina viene de la mano de la oferta de los restaurantes de Alcalá que forman parte del proyecto que Fomentur pone en marcha a través de la decimoséptima edición de las Jornadas Gastronómicas Cervantinas.

El éxito como en años anteriores, está garantizado. Además este año, quienes acudan a estas jornadas gastronómicas, obtendrán un magnífico regalo: conocer la única ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad de la Comunidad de Madrid. La visita guiada se realizará previa reserva en la Oficina de Turismo de la Plaza de Cervantes teléfono: 91 889 26 94, el sábado día 19 y domingo 20 de octubre a las 11:00h.

Para acceder a la visita guiada se debe presentar el folleto sellado por el establecimiento y presentarlo en la Oficina de Turismo de la Plaza de Cervantes.

Ver folleto en PDF.

Detalles de las Jornadas Gastronómicas Cervantinas

Precio único del menú: 35 euros.Información y reservas en los establecimientos participantes (El domingo día 6 todos los restaurantes ofrecerán su propuesta en horario de comida):

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Gourmet Days: XVII Jornadas Gastronómicas

Semana Gastronómica 2013 - Alcalá de Henares

XVII Jornadas Gastronómicas Cervantinas. September 30 to October 6, 2013.

The gastronomic contribution of Cervantes’ Week comes on the heels of the supply of Alcalá restaurants that are part of the project that launches Fomentur through the seventeenth edition of the Gastronomic Cervantinas.

Success as in previous years, is guaranteed. Also this year, those who go to these food festivals will get a magnificent gift: knowing the only World Heritage city of Madrid. The guided tour will take place on reservation at the Tourist Office of the Plaza de Cervantes Phone: 91 889 26 94, on Saturday 19 and Sunday October 20 at 11:00 pm.

To access the tour brochure must be submitted sealed by the establishment and submission to the Office of Tourism of the Plaza de Cervantes.

See the brochure in PDF.


Price: 35 euros.
Information and reservations at participating restaurants (Sunday 6th all restaurants will offer their lunch time proposal):


Más información:


Public Transport in Comunidad de Madrid

Cercanías Renfe

All the information you need to use Public transport in Comunidad de Madrid. Metro, Suburban buses, commuter trains and more.

Download your Metro de Madrid map here.

Transporte público en la Comunidad de Madrid

Cercanías Renfe

Descarga aquí tu plano de Metro de Madrid.