Dream AlcaláNewsParadores are Celebrating the 'Month of the Pot'

Paradores are Celebrating the ‘Month of the Pot’

Menus with delicious stews, hotpots and traditional dishes will be featured for 30 days in the ‘Month of the Pot’ held by Paradores, which offer dishes from 12 euros.

Following the success of the month dedicated to cheese, this month dedicated to the traditional cuisine present throughout the Spanish geography, which includes dishes from humble, homemade and prepared with traditional recipes  from various restaurants.

That way, the company bring to its customers the «flavors of cuisine ofour forefathers», thus rescuing original elaborations, healthy and delicious, consolidated over the centuries. These include lentils, potatoes and fish stew, baked beans with pork and chorizo, fish noodle casserole, cocido Rias Baixas and Potatoes and ribs stew.

Using legumes combined with vegetables, meat or fish, Paradores chefs have developed the ‘stew of the day’, selected according to the area, which will be offered Monday through Friday at the price of 12 euros and a full menu for price of 25 euros for the weekend.

Also, all Paradores will offer «potted tapas» in their cafeteria.

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